Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra introduce their new dog panda – See the Pic family

The family of Jon Jonas and Priyanka Chopra just got bigger! The pair took to Instagram on Saturday to announce the latest addition to their package, Panda, an adorable Husky-Australian Shepherd mix.

“Our new family portrait! Welcome to the family, Panda! We adopted this little rescue (soon he will not be so small) but a few weeks ago. We can not be sure, but he seems to be a Husky Australian Shepard mix being …. and those eyes … and the ears !!! ❤️😍❤️🐼❤️🐶, “Chopra wrote next to the photo, adding that her puppy Diana” was not round for our little photoshoot, but we could let it go our # 1 girl away … so … we made it work! 😂 😉. “

Jonas shared the same photos, adding, “Welcome to the Panda family! Panda is a Rescue Husky Australian Shepard mix and we are already in love ❤️.”

Panda joins Diana and German shepherd Gino. The couple posted photos and videos of their new puppy on Instagrams of their other dogs.

“These kids … look like I’ve cut out my work for myself. #ElderSisterDuties,” reads Diana’s latest post.

“Borders bro … borders,” reads the title of Gino’s post.

ET spoke to Chopra on Friday, where she shared that she could not be more grateful for her health, family and friends amid the coronavirus pandemic.

“I have to say, I feel very blessed to be in such a good place compared to so many people in the world,” Chopra told ET over the phone. “We are healthy, friends and family are healthy, and I have had time to be really creative. So I have to say this has been a blessing.”

She also emphasized the importance of giving back, no matter how big or small.

“What is important right now is to do eat, and anyone can do something, “she advised. The point is that the world is breaking down, everywhere in the world. That even if you do a little, it goes really far. “

For more on the pair, see below.


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