NFLPA tells players that there will be no preseason, training camp rosters narrow to 80 players

In a call with players Tuesday night, the NFLPA has confirmed a number of changes to training camp and the lead-up to the 2020 regular season that the union has been negotiating with the NFL as the two sides continue to build a feasible basis to operate in the midst of the pandemic. As initially reported by Tom Pelissero of the NFL Network, and confirmed by Jonathan Jones of CBS Sports, there were five main points of discussion, including zero preseason games in 2020. No exhibits this summer has been the union’s stance all along. But the NFL recently pulled out of its proposal for a game on Monday and has now not suggested any preseason games.

Along with that change, the Players Association noted that the roster size for training camp is expected to be set at 80 players to start camp, which is 10 below the traditional 90-man rosters normally seen. under normal circumstances. The union is also pushing for a longer period of increase in the camp, according to Pelissero, and there are general agreements on high-risk and voluntary exclusion along with an agreement on stipends if games are lost.

The past 24-48 hours have seen a lot of movement in the negotiations between the NFL and the NFLPA. Along with the NFL proposing zero preseason games, the two sides agreed on Monday to conduct daily tests during the first two weeks of training camp, which was one of the main health and safety hurdles that had yet to be resolved. .

This two-week daily testing period will be shortened to alternate days if the positivity rate falls below 5% among those in Tier 1 (players, coaches, coaches, doctors and required staff) and Tier 2 (GM, team presidents, and employees of soccer operations, etc.). Before this, there will be a pre-entry trial period that will last five days. On Day 1 and Day 4, players will be evaluated and have two days of remote education in between. Day 5 is when players can enter the team’s facilities to take physical exams, as long as their tests are negative. Day 5 is also when the daily tests begin.

“Our union has been pushing for stronger testing, tracking and treatment protocols to keep our players safe,” the NFLPA said in a statement Monday regarding COVID-19 testing procedures. “The testing protocols we agree on are a critical factor that will help us return to work safely and give us the best opportunity to play and finish the season.”

While the NFL and NFLPA continue to review things on the to-do list before camp, the economics of how they will absorb revenue losses due to the pandemic remains important on these two sides and will need to be removed at some point. The near future.