NFL rumors: free agent WR Terrelle Pryor has spoken to the New England Patriots about a comeback

The Tom Brady Effect ™ is so last summer. Who’s here for the Cam Newton Effect ™?

Ok, ok, point taken, it’s a bit early for that. But if you believe the old rumors, at least one free agent looking to make a comeback sees Patriots new quarterback Cam Newton as a huge advantage to play at Foxboro, plus the Patriots are, you know, the Patriots .

Free agent wide receiver and Ohio State Buckeyes legend Terrelle Pryor is apparently looking for an NFL comeback, and in an interview with TMZ Sports (it pains me to quote him), Pryor says he’s already spoken to a handful of teams, including their New England Patriots:

“There have been conversations with a couple: five teams,” says Pryor.

But, TP says that due to the COVID-19 pandemic … it has not yet been proven with anyone, but is confident that will change soon.

Pryor says he is now completely healthy … and he would really love a shot to catch passes from anyone Cam Newton in New England or Ben roethlisberger in Pittsburgh

“Those two are very interesting,” says Pryor. “Especially Cam. I’ve been a huge fan of him over the years … And obviously Big Ben, that’s my hometown of Pittsburgh, so it’s just two teams I really want to play for.”

However, Pryor says he is open to everyone … and claims he has found solutions to stop the injuries that have plagued him since he left Cleveland after his year of breakup in 2016.

“I can still play,” says Pryor. “And I can still make plays and dominate. I know that.”

For those who need a quick review: they probably remember Terrelle Pryor as part of the most absurd (air dating) scandal in the history of NCAA football. Pryor and 4 of his Ohio state teammates were suspended by the NCAA for selling championship merchandise and the infamous free tattoos they received while still (again, air quotes) student-athletes, and in June 2011, Pryor retired. from Ohio State and entered the NFL Supplemental Draft, where the Oakland Raiders picked him in the third round and for the following years, he tried to win the QB starting job with the Raiders with varying degrees of success. Fast-forward to 2015, and the Cleveland Browns had him listed as a starter … as a wide receiver.

After trying to catch up with WR for the Browns, the soon-to-be-renamed Washington DC soccer team, the New York Jets, the Buffalo Bills and the Jacksonville Jaguars, Terrelle was most recently seen in the world of soccer . by the Jags on September 4, 2019.

Pryor’s professional football reference page looks like this:

We say “most recently seen by the soccer world” because a couple of months later, Terrelle Pryor was in the news for completely different reasons: on November 29, 2019, Pryor was arrested after being stabbed multiple times in a domestic dispute and accused of simple assault. Shalaya Briston, the woman allegedly involved, was also arrested and charged with attempted murder and aggravated assault. There’s a lot out there to read about that if you’re so inclined.

Either way, with the Patriots suddenly acquiring the found money of $ 6.55 million in capitalization space, would you be interested to see if Bill Belichick and Josh McDaniels can tap into the talent of Terrelle Pryor, now 31?


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