Tongue-tie: New Guidelines for Assessing and Treating Babies


The Ministry of Health has published new guidelines for evaluating and treating babies born with a frenulum.

Newborn baby in hospital.  Baby care unit.

Tongue tie surgery involves cutting a thin piece of skin that connects the lower part of the tongue to the lower jaw.
Photo: 123RF

It arises from concerns raised by some healthcare professionals about overdiagnosis and the increase in the number of surgeries.

Associate Minister for Health Ayesha Verrall said the ministry met with health professionals in April last year to develop the guidelines.

“Several issues were identified, including the lack of consistent information for consumers on the risks and benefits of surgical treatment for frenulum; inconsistent and inequitable access to treatment when indicated,” he said.

“With the new guide, parents can rest assured that regardless of who is treating their baby or where they live, all healthcare professionals are following the same advice to refer, evaluate and treat the condition.”

About 5 to 10 percent of babies are born with a frenulum, which means that the normal movement of the tongue is restricted by a very short or tight band of tissue.

While at least half are still able to breastfeed normally, others struggle.

Verrall said that without a national council related to frenulum, there may also be an unnecessary focus on the condition, which can delay the management of other feeding-related problems in babies.

“The problem with a tongue tie overdiagnosis is that you could end up doing more surgeries than are actually needed. And of course it is incredibly minor surgery, but all surgery carries risks and is done on young babies.” ” she said.

“So it’s just making sure there’s a proper process for deciding who needs surgery and who doesn’t.”

The guidelines also recommend that those performing the surgery continually audit their practice and document all referrals for breastfeeding issues related to the frenulum.
