Sei whale dies after beaching at Farewell Spit, Golden Bay


Locals and DoC staff fought to keep the 14-meter Sei whale alive. Photo / Jo Richards, The GB Weekly

A whale that was stranded at Farewell Spit died before high tide could reach it, despite the best efforts of volunteers.

The Sei whale, which is estimated to be 17 meters long, was stranded 1 km from the high water mark and the whale was expected to be able to re-float when the tide was at its maximum, around 1.30 a.m.

The general manager of the whale rescue organization Kiwi Project Jonah, Daren Grover, told the Herald that the whale died around 10 p.m. last night.

Grover said the Department of Conservation will now work with iwi on a blessing before decisions are made on how to bury the whale.

He said it was difficult to say why the whale made it to the beach without a necropsy, but that a stranding usually indicated an underlying problem of some kind, but added that it could be old and “took its last breaths on shore.”

“For a whale of this size to come ashore and be stranded, that indicates that there is very likely an underlying health problem, be it illness or injury,” Grover said.

Grover said that any whale death was difficult for people who went out to save the animals, adding that Project Jonath always reminded volunteers to prepare for this tragic outcome and seek support.

He said that human input could “make a difference in the last hours of this animal’s life.”

“People took care of him, it took away some of the stress, so it’s just an impulse that we have in us, people just want to help.”
