Coronavirus: Why is Winston Peters not afraid to upset China with the COVID-19 investigation?


China, New Zealand’s largest trading partner, has vowed not to punish New Zealand if it joins the investigation. Peters told Newshub Nation on Saturday that it is important to find out how the pandemic started, whether it angers China or not.

“It is illogical and irrational not to think that a malignancy that has cost, and will cost millions of lives, has us so insensitive to reality that we do not bother internationally to discover how it happened. How can we look at the families of the victims? face and say we didn’t care?

He said calls for an international investigation into the origins of the 2008 global financial crisis in the United States were ignored, resulting in a decade of economic damage.

“Where is the logic, rationality or sanity of having a massive loss of life … with devastation for the world’s economies, without stopping to say: ‘How did this happen?'”

China’s ambassador to Australia Cheng Jingye hinted this week that tourism to China, the world’s most populous country, could be reduced if Australia goes ahead with the investigation.

“The Chinese public is frustrated, shocked and disappointed with what Australia is doing now,” Jingye told the Australian financial review.

“If the mood goes from bad to worse, people would think ‘why should we go to a country that is not so friendly to China?’ Tourists may have doubts. “
