Coronavirus: New Zealand registers five new cases of COVID-19


The COVID Tracer app has more than 2 million users

The COVID Tracer app, New Zealand’s preferred contact tracing technology, registered more than 2 million users on Tuesday.

Hipkins says this means that 50 per cent of kiwis aged 15 and over have registered on the app, far higher than an acceptance of around 24 per cent in Australia and 37 per cent in Ireland.

There were 2.1 million scans nationwide on Tuesday.

New functionalities are about to be added to the application: users will be able to add their National Health Index (NHI) numbers and customize contact alerts.

However, Hipkins says it shouldn’t replace the manual contact tracing system as the backbone of our efforts, and encourages Kiwis to keep track of their movements even if they aren’t using the app.

For older adults, those without smartphones, and in areas where technology is less available, manual paper journals will ship in packs of 10 starting next week.

These will be free and will be delivered by organizations, who can order them online.

Meanwhile, testing of tech entrepreneur Sam Morgan’s CovidCard in Rotorua and at an MIQ facility is returning to normal, Hipkins says.
