This story was originally published on RNZ.co.nz and republished with permission
The Auckland Zoo’s most recent arrival is a baby baboon, joining a group of spring babies, including kiwis, otters and a rhino.
Auckland Zoo
The Auckland Zoo now has 10 baboons.
Hamadryas baboons are also called sacred baboons and are the smallest species of baboon in the world.
The zoo says the new baby is fine and his mother Mali is being a “very attentive and very proud mom.”
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They now have 10 baboons, four males and six females. Female baboons help each other raise babies after they are born, so Mali will have a lot of help.
Auckland Zoo
Auckland Zoo’s new baboon Hamadryas with his mother.
On August 14, the zoo welcomed its first rhino calf in 20 years, a 65kg girl.
Staff were able to watch for signs that labor was about to begin and monitor the birth using low-light cameras installed to observe the mother, Jamila.
The southern white rhino calf was conceived in early 2019 – rhino mothers carry their babies for 16 months or longer depending on the species.
Guardian Tommy Karlsson says Jamila is very protective of her new baby.
“Jamila’s total focus on the needs of her calf is truly impressive; and the calf is a pleasure to watch. It is growing day by day, and as it finds its feet, doing these little hops, almost dancing, which is quite adorable. “.
Twitter / Auckland Zoo
Auckland Zoo’s new rhino calf.
The new calf will drink 10 to 12 liters of milk a day.
Jamila’s pairing with the baby’s father, Zambezi, was recommended by the Australasian Association of Zoos and Aquariums managed breeding program, as part of efforts to increase threatened and endangered species.
The first kiwi this season to be born at the zoo also arrived this month.
It can take more than three days for the kiwi to come out of the shell after creating the first crack, the zoo says. But he “decided to do a quick job of entering the world,” so the caretakers were able to film him incubating.
Auckland Zoo
The five baby otters, being weighed.
Zoo keepers also have a new clutch of five baby otters that were born in September. Asian small-clawed otter pups won’t open their eyes until they are about 40 days old and, earlier this week, they weighed only the same as a jar of jam.
This story was originally published on RNZ.co.nz and republished with permission