This story was originally published on RNZ.co.nz and republished with permission.
New Zealand’s first stalwart Tracey Martin is considering walking away from the party to which she has dedicated more than a decade of her life, after voters ousted her from Parliament.
Martin’s political career came to an abrupt halt on election night, when NZ First won just 2.7 percent of the vote and failed to win a seat in the electorate.
Speaking to RNZ, Martin said he was “nowhere near” the failed campaign strategy.
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In fact, Winston Peters kept her away from the party campaign, who was on a long and grueling national “Back Your Future” bus tour.
Peters did not invite her to join his campaign marathon, Martin said.
Instead, he was joined by less well-known members of his party, MP Darroch Ball and candidate Talani Meikle.
“I did not choose not to go out on the bus, I was not invited. So I was in Ōhāriu, campaigning in Ōhāriu,” Martin said.
“I guess he felt like he had the people he needed on the bus.”
Martin was also absent from New Zealand First’s election night party in Russell, choosing to be with his staff.
“During the three-year period that I have been a minister, I had a great office with… brilliant public servants and I chose to be with them because I think the writing was on the wall.
“I wanted to make sure I was with my staff that day, because their lives were going to change too, just as much as mine.”
The former party chairperson and Tracey’s mother, Anne, was also there.
The couple resurrected New Zealand First in 2011, after he was ousted from Parliament in 2008, running a campaign largely from their homes.
Despite the result, Martin said it was probably the best election night he has ever had.
“I didn’t have to talk to the media. I didn’t have to interact with anyone else … in an upbeat and positive way.
“I’ve been with people I’ve worked very hard with for the last three years.”
What’s next for New Zealand First?
The future of the game is being discussed by the New Zealand First board, Martin said.
“I understand at this time that there is no leader, there is no deputy leader, I am just a member of New Zealand First and no one came to me to be more than that,” he said.
Martin has yet to have a conversation with Winston Peters about the future of the party.
“I mean, I had dinner with him and it was a social dinner, and it was a good catch-up after the election,” he said.
Martin has yet to decide what future involvement he will have with New Zealand First.
Your party membership is valid until April of next year and you have not decided whether to renew it.
“To be honest, I don’t know, I don’t know yet. I’m just watching what happens.”
Life outside parliament
Martin had never planned to become an MP when she was first selected as a New Zealand candidate in 2008.
“I got involved with a political party, because I had the skills to organize things, I like to organize things and get a positive result and that’s what I did for New Zealand First, between 2008 and 2011.
“In 2011, I found myself at number two on the party’s list and accidentally ended up in Parliament.”
He did the best he could during his time in Parliament, he said.
“It was nine years of my life that I never planned to happen and now it’s over.”
Martin is adjusting to life outside Parliament. She focuses on her new company, as well as her family’s businesses.
“It’s weird, it’s interesting to go from a really comprehensive diary to nothing,” he said.
“I think they will find that my daughter and my husband hope very soon that I will find something else to do, because now the house has never been more organized, nor cleaner and now I am starting with them.
“I’ll keep going.”