New Zealand Election 2020 Live Updates: National Loses Two Seats, Maori Party Takes Additional Seat, Cannabis Fails


12 pm – Jacinda Ardern has been sworn in as Prime Minister at Government House in Wellington, after the Labor Party overwhelmingly won the election. He was sworn in with his new cabinet and ministers.

Ministers say two oaths or affirmations, one is the oath or affirmation of allegiance that is for the Queen and the other is the oath or affirmation of the Executive Councilor that is not for a person, but is more related to their conduct in office .

They must be spoken in English or Maori and you can choose to speak in another language as well. Poto Williams said his allegiance in English and Cook Islands Maori, while Aupito William Sio said his in Samoan and English.

Loyalty oath:

I [name], I swear that I will be faithful and maintain true loyalty to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, her heirs and successors, according to the law, so help me God.

Oath of the Executive Director:

I, [name], being elected and admitted by the New Zealand Executive Council, I swear that, in my best judgment, at all times, when necessary, I will freely give my advice and counsel to the Governor General for the time being, for the good management of the affairs of New Zealand. That I will not reveal, directly or indirectly, the matters that will be debated in the Council and that will be entrusted to my secret, but that I will be in all a faithful and true Counselor, therefore, help me God.

Affirmation of loyalty:

I, [name] I solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that I will be faithful and maintain true loyalty to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, her heirs and successors, in accordance with the law.

Affirmation of the Executive Director:

I, [name], being elected and admitted by the New Zealand Executive Council, I solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that, in my best judgment, at all times, when necessary, I will freely give my advice and counsel to the Governor. General for the time being, for the good management of New Zealand affairs. That I will not reveal, directly or indirectly, the matters that will be debated in the Council and will be put in my secret, but that I will be in all a faithful and true Counselor.
