2020 Election: Early Voting Approves All 2011 Advanced Voting in Just Four Days


More people have already voted earlier than they have voted upfront during the entire 2011 election.

During Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, 372,295 people voted in the 2020 general election.

This is more than the total anticipated vote count for the 2011 election, when 334,558 people attended before Election Day.

On Monday, in particular, it had a very busy vote – close to 108,000, making it the seventh-largest early voting day in history.

Early voting was much less popular in the 2011 elections, with only about 15 percent of the electorate making a decision before Election Day.

It has grown in popularity since then, with about half of the votes cast early in the last election, with more than half expected in 2020.

* Election 2020: when, where and how you can cast your vote in the elections
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Early voting has increased in the last elections.

Collette Devlin / Things

Early voting has increased in the last elections.

Early voting generally increases as Election Day approaches, with more than 250,000 people voting the day before Election Day in 2017.

Voters have many more places to vote in this election, with voting booths open in supermarkets and shopping centers.

In the last election, voters could register to vote and vote on the same day during the early voting period, but not on Election Day.

Now they can also do it on election day after a law change introduced by the government.

Election Director Alicia Wright has encouraged people to vote early as it will make social distancing much easier, if necessary, on Election Day.

Voters do not need to carry their EasyVote cards or any form of identification or proof of address. Nor is it necessary for them to be registered before showing up, as they can register at the stand.

An EasyVote card will speed up the process slightly, as staff will not need to look up someone’s name on the list.

Due to Covid-19 concerns, the traditional “I voted” sticker will not be present.

Voters are encouraged to bring their own pens, but they can also use those provided by the Election Commission, which they can then take home.

Two people have already been referred to the police by the Electoral Commission.

One spoke about voting multiple times, while the other allegedly provided a false statement while trying to register.

The election will be held on October 17.

The first votes will begin to be counted from 9 a.m. From Election Day, but the preliminary results of these counts will not appear until the polls close at 7 p.m. M.
