Immigration Policy Changes Announced to Cover Key Workforce Shortage Amid Covid-19 Pandemic | 1 NEWS


The Government today announced a series of immigration policy changes, including class exceptions for border entry and a new seasonal employment visa, to help fill key labor shortages amid a crackdown. of international travel due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The border entry exceptions will apply to 30 veterinarians, 570 offshore fishing crews and 210 mobile agricultural and horticultural plant operators, Immigration Minister Kris Faafoi said in a statement.

The exceptions will be limited in time and the Government will seek industry representatives to identify which workers will be eligible for a border exception within the assignment.

“Tight border restrictions remain the backbone of the government’s border strategy to protect New Zealand against Covid-19 and ensure that New Zealand citizens and residents can return home,” Faafoi said.

“The Government understands the challenges that strict border restrictions create. We continue to review potential exceptions that would help address critical workforce gaps that New Zealanders cannot fill and help support the economic recovery from Covid-19, while ensuring our managed isolation and quarantine system. You can cooperate. “

The government will prioritize industries that can “demonstrate a plan for education, training, wages and other activities that will attract New Zealanders to their industry” as more New Zealanders return home to work.

Since then, the fishing industry has pledged to remove barriers to “employing New Zealanders, including reviewing pay structures and business models, and investing significantly in training and education” in exchange for border waivers.

The government will continue to review the border configuration as appropriate and consider class exceptions when justified and manageable, as the country continues to recover from Covid-19, he said.

“Our decisions on border exceptions take into account a myriad of factors, including humanitarian reasons, family reunification, financial benefits, and ensuring sufficient skills, experience, and talents are available.

“Last month, exceptions were made for some normally residing temporary visa holders, more New Zealanders partners, and now additional critical workers. These are pragmatic decisions that help New Zealand, while protecting the critical role our border plays. as the first line of defense against Covid-19 “.

Faafoi also announced a Seasonal Supplemental Employment Visa (SSE), which will automatically be issued to around 11,000 New Zealand work and holiday visa holders with visas expiring between November 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021 The visas will allow them to work in horticultural and viticultural roles, where there are not enough New Zealanders available to fill the roles.

Employers can hire SSE workers when there are openings in the Recognized Seasonal Employer (RSE) scheme with a RSE employer, or there are open positions available with an accredited SSE employer, he said.

Employers will also be able to recruit SSE workers for positions in the regions specified in a list currently being compiled by the Ministry of Social Development.

The government changes will also allow other work visa holders to apply for an SSE visa if they have a job offer from one of these employers or if the job is listed by the Ministry of Social Development.

All CSR workers stranded in New Zealand who have been granted a more flexible limited visa to be able to work part-time and perform non-CSR jobs will also be able to ‘re-enter’ the CSR scheme and work for a CSR employer with 30 hours per week of guaranteed average salary.

“We know that many CSR workers are stranded in New Zealand due to Covid-19. These changes will provide certainty and options for these people, and we hope that CSR workers will have priority for any seasonal jobs that cannot be covered by New Zealanders.” .

“While only a small number of migrants can reach New Zealand, the government is allowing the remaining migrant workforce to stay. This will go a long way toward meeting the labor needs of the horticulture and viticulture industries.”

It comes after the National Party pledged today to expand their managed isolation capacity if they are elected next month.
