David Unwin / Things
Large whale, an unidentified species, in the waters off Hokio Beach in Horowhenua on Friday, September 4.
A large whale carcass has turned up on a Horowhenua beach.
He was 50 meters offshore at Hokio Beach, while the tide was lapping beside him on Friday.
A spokesperson for the Department of Conservation said the whale turned up Thursday night, but had been seen offshore since at least last Wednesday.
“The cause of death is unknown and the species of whale has not yet been confirmed.”
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The whale was inaccessible due to high tide and would be removed and buried by the local iwi Muaūpoko when possible.
Muaūpoko was on the beach observing tikanga (proper customs) and performing karakia (prayers).
Di Rump, executive director of the Muaūpoko Tribal Authority, said they were pleased with the awareness of the iwi’s role as beach kaitiaki and “the need to observe Muaūpoko tikanga and karakia to respect this taonga [treasured possession]”.
She asked that all viewers stay safe by working with the iwi, the DOC and their friends, to find out how to deal with the taonga.
Low tide at Hokio Beach will be around 5pm.