National Party leader Judith Collins has stepped up her attempts to dent the credibility of Labor leader Jacinda Ardern, saying that Ardern had “lied” about Covid-19 and failed on so many promises that no one should believe her now.
Among her claims, Collins said that Ardern “lied” about the Covid-19 testing of border workers and expected Ardern to sue her for that statement: “happy to prove it.”
Collins spent the day in northern Wellington, stopping first in Granada to announce that National was re-committing to a connecting road between the suburbs of Granada and Petone.
Collins then went to Waikanae, where the bowling club was packed for his public meeting alongside Otaki’s candidate, Tim Costley.
At both meetings, Collins urged party supporters not to vote strategically by splitting their votes, an apparent attempt to prevent votes from passing into law.
“We take this election very seriously, and it can be done. It can be done if each and every party votes at the national level. Don’t waste your vote on minor parties or people who will already be there.”
There was also plenty of Ardern stuff for National supporters to celebrate at both events.
In Waikanae, he claimed that Ardern “lied” when he said that all personnel working at the border or in managed isolation and quarantine facilities are regularly tested for Covid-19.
“Who let Covid-19 in? I tell you who did it. Jacinda Ardern and her government.
“She told us on June 23 that everyone was being tested. What a lie. When she said it was hard and fast, it was slow and pathetic. And she lied to us about what was happening.”
“She lied. Wow, I hope she sued me for it. Happy to prove it.”
Ardern later dismissed Collins’ remarks as “oppositional politics.”
Collins was referring to a government directive on June 23 that all border personnel and managed isolation functions undergo regular testing.
However, after the second outbreak in August, it was found that around 60 percent of the staff had not undergone any tests, and the government had to push the process forward and make it mandatory.
The source of that second outbreak has not been identified.
Collins criticized Ardern for the lack of delivery on everything from Kiwibuild to “light rail dreams.”
She repeated her claim that Ardern would end up adopting some form of ‘estate tax’ despite repeated rejections of Ardern as the “latest roll of the disinformation dice.”
“They’re coming for you,” Collins told the audience at both events.
Collins later defended continuing to make that claim.
“If Labor has a chance to form the government, they will have the Greens there, whether they need them or not. Why? So they can blame them for the unpopular policies they put into practice.”
When asked later if people should be able to trust Ardern’s promises, Collins said it was difficult due to a track record that included KiwiBuild, light rail, and free student fees.
“Almost everything he said he would deliver has not been delivered. So why would he suddenly now, suddenly, start to believe everything he said in his promises?”
One of those present at the Waikanae hearing was former Prime Minister Jim Bolger, who had a quick word with Collins but did not want to offer any advice. “[She’s] It goes very well.”
Bolger’s 1993 “screw up the polls” joke may be the advice you needed.
Did Jacinda Ardern ‘lie’ when she said that all staff would be screened regularly?
Collins’ claims that Ardern ‘lied’ refers to a government directive on June 23 that all personnel in border functions and managed isolation and quarantine facilities undergo regular testing.
The directive was announced by an Ardern press release titled: “New COVID-19 Testing Strategy to Keep New Zealand Safe.”
The Ministry of Health was responsible for organizing the tests.
However, after the second outbreak in August it was discovered that almost two-thirds of the staff had not yet undergone a single test.
At the time, Ardern said that while it had been the government’s expectation that all personnel be screened, not all personnel were being tested and some were refusing.
He indicated that the Government did not know that it was not being done.
A health order was issued requiring a weekly test for staff at quarantine facilities for Covid-19 cases, and biweekly for staff at managed isolation facilities.
Did Ardern lie when he claimed that all personnel were being screened regularly? You could say yes, but not intentionally.