News ordered the faceout of gas vehicles, vowing to ban fracking

Emphasizing that California must be at the forefront of the fight against climate change, Governor Gavin News on Wednesday issued an executive order banning the sale of new cars in the state to zero-emission vehicles only by 2035 and backing the ban. Controversial use of hydraulic fractures by oil companies.

Under News’ order, the California Air Resources Board will implement a phase of new gas-powered cars and light trucks, and medium and heavy-duty trucks must be zero-emission where possible by 2045. California will be the first state in the nation to make 100% zero-emission vehicles mandatory, although 15 countries have pledged to phase out gas-powered cars.

Newsme did not take executive action to ban the controversial oil ka ext method known as frocking but asked the state legislator to do so, setting out what the controversial political fight could be when legislators work again in Sacramento next year.

Taken together, the two climate change efforts will boost the state’s already aggressive efforts to tackle carbon emissions and petroleum risks, and pledge to escalate tensions with the Trump administration over California’s liberal environmental agenda.

“This is the most effective step our state can take in the fight against climate change,” News said in a statement issued Wednesday morning. “Wildfires shouldn’t make our vehicles worse – and make more days filled with smoky air. Car glaciers should not melt or raise sea levels which threatens our beloved beaches and beaches. “

Newsme said California’s action will help promote innovation for zero-emission vehicles and reduce the cost of cars and trucks by creating a larger market. More than 1.63 million new cars and trucks are expected to be sold in the state by 2020, according to new car dealers Ason of California.

Climate scientists and advocates say the world must stop producing gas and diesel-powered vehicles by 2035 or more to keep global temperatures tolerable. California and other governments around the world want to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045, and it will take years to turn vehicles around and be replaced by zero-emission models.

News this month slammed the Trump administration for ignoring the reality of climate change, saying California’s deadly wildfires, some of the largest in the state’s history, are a terrible reminder of what lies ahead for the nation if political leaders in Washington do not act . .

“This is a very severe climate crisis,” News said during a visit to the Chard landscape around the town of O Roville, Northern California. “This is real and it’s happening.”

During an interview with News in Sacramento last week, Trump expressed skepticism about the scientific evidence for climate change: “It will start to get colder. You see. ”

The U.S. has called for the release of a special federal amnesty that allows California to regulate its own strict pollution control to improve weather quality, the foundation of the state’s aggressive efforts to combat climate change. The state government has sued the Trump administration for thwarting efforts by the Environmental Protection Agency.

While happy with Newsum’s action on zero-emission vehicles, environmental activists remain skeptical about its actions on fracking. In November, Newsme temporarily imposed new hydraulic framing permits, saying they wanted them to undergo an independent scientific review. However, since April, his administration has issued about 50 new permits to Chevron and Ara Energy, much to the dismay of environmentalists.

“It simply came to our notice then. “We can’t accept the fact that they’re acting on cars and that they’re protecting the oil industry,” said Casey Siegel, director of the Climate Law Institute at the Center for Biological Diversity. “He is currently the governor of the state at the very center of the weather crisis and he has the political atmosphere here from which he can think big. If he does not take the drastic action that we desperately need, who will? ”

Siegel’s organization threatened to sue News this week until it withheld all new permits for gas and oil wells in the state, saying the governor had failed to protect sensitive California’s health from pollutants released by the state’s petroleum industry.

Since taking power, News has faced pressure from politically influential environmental groups to ban new oil and gas drilling and put full pressure on fossil fuel extraction in California, one of the country’s top petroleum-producing states.

But the Democratic governor has promised to take a more measurable approach than addressing the impact on economically dependent oil workers and California’s cities and counties on the petroleum industry.

California has 1,175 active sh fashore wells and 60,643 active sh nashore wells. According to KLGEM records, the state produced only 159 million barrels of oil in 2019. The state’s annual crude oil production has been steadily declining since 1985.

Representatives of the California oil industry have argued that phasing out oil production in a state with some of the strictest environmental regulations in the world will force it to import more oil by train and tanker ship from countries with similar environmental safety. Western States Petroleum Asson. According to, there are more than 26 million vehicles with internal-combustion engines in California.

Cars, trucks and other vehicles are the largest emitters of greenhouse gases in California, accounting for about 40% of the statewide total, and their emissions have been stubbornly creeping upwards in recent years. Running transport pollution is the state’s biggest challenge in achieving the goal of reducing planet-warming emissions by 40% below 1990 levels by 2030.

Under current rules, the California Air Resources Board is required to sell electric, fuel cell and other zero-emission vehicles by 2025 at an increasing percentage. In 2019, 7.6% of new car registrations in California are for electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles.

In 2018, under the then-government. Jerry Brown, the state aims to put 5 million zero-emission cars by 2025. California sold 670,000 zero-emission vehicles by the end of 2019, according to auto industry sales data.

In June, the Air Resources Board adopted the country’s first sales order, requiring all new trucks sold in California to sell an increasing percentage of electric or fuel cell models to heavy-duty truck manufacturers until zero-emissions by 2045.

But gas-powered cars have not received traction in their efforts to get out completely. Three years ago, Brown directed the state’s chief air quality regulator, Mary Nichols, to move the state’s schedule forward. But so far, his agency has only begun the idea of ​​banning gas-powered vehicles in congested areas of the state. And not all cars registered in the state went ahead with legislation introduced in 2018 requiring zero-emissions by 2040.

Some local governments have set their own zero-emission vehicle targets, which they are unlikely to achieve without the support of stricter regulations. The “Green New Deal” plan by Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, for example, aims to increase the percentage of zero-emission vehicles to 25% by 2025, 80% by 2035 and 100% by 2050.