News of the first Pfizer / Biontech vaccine came. Now the scandals come.

Several government agencies have warned against scammers promising access to the vaccine in exchange for sensitive personal information, as well as companies selling bogus treatments promising to cure or block Covid-19.

“The FBI has received complaints from scammers using public interest in Covid-19 vaccines to obtain personally identifiable information and money through various schemes,” the FBI wrote in a statement to CNN.

The bureau told CNN it plans to remain vigilant because “scammers continue to exploit the COVID-19 epidemic for personal gain.”

Meanwhile, U.S. The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is working to stop the sale of the banned Covid-19 drugs, and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has issued warning letters to seven companies selling products with “scientifically unsubstantiated claims” to treat infected people. .
The Better Business Bureau warned in a news release that “selling counterfeit vaccines and other treatments is probably the only way the scammers will try to cash in on the MERS vaccine release.” “Pay attention to phishing messages in an attempt to trick you into sharing your passwords and personal information.”

What can people do to stay safe

Where there is interest and uncertainty there are bound to be scams. The epidemic is a prime example.

“It’s definitely not surprising,” Catherine Hutte, the BBB’s national spokeswoman, told CNN. “As a matter of fact, a few weeks ago, as if the vaccine was coming out, we started warning people about these scams.”

The BBB has a list of recommendations for people to identify these scams. This includes checking with your personal doctor, ignoring any cognitive requests for “immediate action”, and double-checking any information you receive with information from trusted news sources.
While the vaccine reported 2.9 million doses in the U.S. There is nowhere near what is needed for large-scale delivery, especially since individuals will need two doses each. Moreover, selected groups such as health care workers and long-term care facilities will be a priority for the general public.

“Because we know not everyone will get it right away, there’s also the issue of scarcity,” Hatte said. “[Scammers] They will try to make a decision on the spot, they will tell you that if you do not take action today you will miss the opportunity. You will be asked to make a decision before you have time to think about it. ”

The epidemic scandal is nothing new

The epidemic has led to a huge increase in pet scams

While news of vaccines inevitably leads to new scandals, plans for a horrific epidemic have already become a problem.

Since the epidemic began, the FTC has received more than 20,000 complaints of text messages and RoboCalls offering test kits, bogus treatments and epidemiological assistance. There have also been more than 1,000,000 reports of pet scams during the epidemic.

Hutt points out that scammers will always hang on to anything that is newsworthy.

“We know that scammers are really good at paying attention to the news or pop culture on whatever people are talking about,” he said. “With the Affordable Care Act, we’ve seen a lot of scams related to that – people asking for information, or Claims that they will lose their insurance if they do not provide that information now. [Scams] Very topical based on what is going on in the world. ”

Ultimately, the best way to inoculate yourself against such predatory schemes is to be aware.
