New York City is facilitated in phase 4 of reopening, but interior boundaries remain

Amid concerns about the coronavirus resurgence, New York City will enter a limited fourth phase of reopening on Monday, allowing some arts and entertainment venues like zoos and botanical gardens to open only for outdoor activities, it announced. on Friday Mayor Bill de Blasio.

But strict limits will remain on indoor activities: gyms, shopping malls, and movie theaters are expected to remain closed, and indoor dining is not yet allowed.

“We have to strike a balance, and we have time to look at the evidence,” the mayor said at a press conference. “Look at what is happening across the country, look at what is happening here in the city, and make more decisions about some of these pieces, and we will be very careful with New York State.”

Officials are increasingly concerned about the possibility that visitors from other states will spread the virus in New York, once the epicenter of the pandemic. Governor Andrew M. Cuomo has launched an executive order requiring travelers from 22 states with high infection rates to be quarantined for 14 days upon arrival in the state.

Cuomo is also increasingly concerned about reports of New Yorkers, especially young people, letting their guard down and avoiding social distancing measures and wearing masks.

On Thursday, the governor announced new regulations aimed at cracking down on outdoor consumption and mixing outside of bars and restaurants. The new rules prohibit stores from selling alcohol to customers who do not also buy food.

Concerned about the faster spread of the virus in the dense and crowded New York City, Cuomo warned Thursday that Phase 4 of the reopening would not include “any additional indoor activity.”

“We are still seeing problems, not only in bars and restaurants, but across the country, such as indoors, interior spaces, air-conditioned spaces where the virus tends to spread,” he said. “So, let’s take that precaution in New York City.”

New York City is the last part of the state to enter the final phase of reopening, which is supposed to allow groups of up to 50 people and indoor religious gatherings to operate at one-third of maximum capacity. The restrictions will be relaxed to allow for the resumption of outdoor film production and professional sports without audiences.

State and municipal officials were still working on the final details of the plan, which was expected to be formally announced later on Friday.

New York City has regained a certain appearance of normality, even as small businesses and restaurants have struggled to operate on tight margins since the city’s general closure in mid-March.

Offices, beauty salons, hairdressers, and construction sites have been opened, albeit with capacity constraints, strict cleanliness requirements, and mandatory social distancing. And the cookout is thriving, with bars and restaurants serving customers at tables on sidewalks and closed streets.

More than 8,600 restaurants have established cookout operations, de Blasio said. The city will close an additional 40 blocks to allow even more eating capacity, the mayor said, and will extend the use of sidewalks and streets for outside dining until Oct. 31.

“A lot of people thought, ‘How could this place, this place full of people and energy, possibly take refuge in the place or social distance or cover your face?'” Said Mr. de Blasio. “Well, you showed the world that it can be done the right way, and that is why we are now on the brink of Phase 4.”

Troy Closson contributed reporting.