New swine flu discovered in China, and has potential to create second pandemic: report – Raw Story

The world could be facing a second pandemic as COVID-19 continues to spread worldwide.

“Scientists have identified a new strain of influenza that has the potential to become a pandemic in China. It recently emerged and is carried by pigs, but they can infect humans, they say, ”reported the BBC on Monday.

“The researchers are concerned that it may mutate further so that it can easily spread from person to person and trigger a global outbreak. They say it has ‘all the hallmarks’ of being highly adapted to infect humans, and that it needs close monitoring, ”the BBC confirmed. “As is new, people may have little or no immunity to the virus.”

The news comes after President Donald Trump cut US funding for the World Health Organization.

“The virus, which the researchers call G4 EA H1N1, can grow and multiply in the cells that line the human airways. They found evidence of recent infection that started in people working in slaughterhouses and in the pig industry in China, ”the BBC reported.

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