New new video games available on Switch, PS4, Xbox One and PC this month – July 2020

If this episode of New Releases is an indication, you won’t run out of new video games to play soon. We take a look at July, which begins with Marvel’s Iron Man VR. You can also fly to Rocket Arena a little over a week after that. July is also the time to protect your land, be it a busy island in Ghost of Tsushima or the Mushroom Kingdom in Paper Mario: The Origami King. Finally, the month ends with the new version of Destroy All Humans.

Marvel’s Iron Man VR – July 3

Available on: PS4

After some delays, Iron Man VR is finally giving us a chance to get into Tony Stark’s suit. Unsurprisingly, the HUD inside the PSVR headphones resembles Stark’s FRIDAY technology, and you can use the Motion Controllers to aim and fire your various weapons. Expect to see other Marvel staples like Nick Fury in the story as well.

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Rocket Arena – July 14

Available on: PS4, Xbox One, PC

Rocket arena
Rocket arena

Rocket Arena is a 3v3 shooting game with only one weapon at your side: a rocket launcher. The thing is, each character has their own special rockets with unique effects. You can also customize your favorite hero with outfits, launcher parts, and stat enhancements.

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Ghost Of Tsushima – July 17

Available on: PS4

Ghost of tsushima
Ghost of tsushima

This is the next exclusive PS4 from Sly Cooper and developer Infamous Sucker Punch. You play as Jin, a samurai who seeks to free his island from the Mongol invaders. You will do it with a combination of stealth and katana combat on your face. You will have to change your stance and time your attacks to stop and defeat your many enemies.

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Paper Mario: The Origami King – July 17

Available on: Switch

Paper Mario: The Origami King
Paper Mario: The Origami King

The Mushroom Kingdom has been usurped again, this time by King Origami Olly himself. Mario will have to use a new ring-based combat system to defeat enemies and bosses if he hopes to regain the kingdom. The origami style also applies to the world: you will be pulling and folding the environment to solve puzzles and explore.

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Destroy all humans – July 28

Available on: PS4, Xbox One, PC

Destroy all humans!
Destroy all humans!

This is a remake of the original 2005 Destroy All Humans. Once again, you will put on the alien invader Crypto’s space boots as you extract DNA from residents of a midwestern city, using all sorts of alien weapons and gadgets. This new version includes content cut from the original game as well.

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July has just arrived, so we have many more games to cover. Next week, new releases will take a look at the CrossCode console launch and a highly anticipated sequel, Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise. GameSpot’s Play for All event will also continue throughout the new month.

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Playing now: The best new video games to launch on Switch, PS4, Xbox One and PC this month – July 2020