New Jersey governor says he would have shut down the state if Trump had been honest about the coronavirus threat

CRNA told veteran journalist Bob Woodward that the virus was dangerous, airborne, highly contagious and “even more deadly than your strict current”, and Trump’s audio dio tapes told veteran journalist Bob Woodward that Murphy’s remarks came. Repeatedly exposing it in public.

Murphy said Wednesday that if he had known – as Trump did – that the virus is airborne, he would have taken earlier steps to protect his state.

“If we had known, we would have meaningfully shut down the state. We would have meaningfully gone for a mandatory masking policy first. We would have put in place a stay-at-home mandate, all we did, and “Initially, but we would have done it earlier and could have saved lives,” he said in an interview with CNN’s Palm Brown.

“I can’t tell you how many of us would have been saved if I could have sat here, but I have no question in my mind that we would have saved lives.”

In a series of interviews given to Woodward for his upcoming book, “Rage,” Trump revealed that he had surprising details about the risk of the virus before he knew it. “It’s pretty,” Trump told Woodward, “that the coronavirus was probably five times more deadly than the flu.”

Contradicting his repeated public comments at the time of Trump’s entry, while insisting that the virus “disappear” and “all work will go well.”

“It’s an understatement to say it’s frustrating and disappointing,” Murphy said in response to Woodward’s tape.

“My opinion is that people – people trust the faith, when you provide news that is not popular, it is not something that people want to hear. People can take it, and, you know, we can Staying still, he said this is trying to bring ruthless honesty with the severity of the epidemic, and that is the way forward through the epidemic.

“And to hear this and think about the wasted time of his life and the lost life of his life, unfortunately, as a result, is extremely frustrating.”

Trump defended his response to the epidemic while addressing the book at an event at the White House on Wednesday afternoon, claiming that “you can’t show a sense of panic or you’re going to have bigger problems than before.”

“The fact is that I’m a cheerleader for this country. I love our country. And I don’t want people to panic. I don’t want to cause panic as you say, and I’m definitely not going to. This is the country,” Trump said. That would make the world a crazy one. “We want to show confidence. We want to show strength. “

CNN’s Jamie Gangel, Jeremy Herb, Kevin Liptak and Elizabeth Stewart contributed to the report.
