New Dragon Age 4 Details and concept art unveiled at Gamescom 2020

Rated developer BioWare continues to work on Dragon Age 4, and while the game is still in early development, the studio provided some sense of what its next title in the franchise might be like during the Gamescom Opening Night Live stream. Most interesting is BioWare’s focus on “powerless” characters, which takes the series in a different story direction than the last game, in which you had enormous political influence.

The trailer we saw was mostly full of concept art and a few brief glimpses into in-game environments, but it provided a few intriguing bites. We saw at least one major character return – Dragon Age: Inquisition’s Solas, who will remind fans that they played a key role in the story of that game. It sounds like Dragon Age 4 will also deal very heavily with the politics of the game world, where the people in power are not ready to tackle issues that plague their people. Mark Darrah, who worked for several years as an executive producer at BioWare, will again be involved in the development of the new Dragon Age game. Creative Director Mike Laidlaw is no longer with BioWare, but he left after the release of Inquisition to work briefly for Ubisoft.

BioWare also mentioned that the player’s choice will be a big feature in the game, of course, and that Dragon Age 4 will show new locations that players have never visited before. But details outside of that were pretty thin, except that BioWare is working on the game and we will see it on next generation consoles when it is released. It’s also worth noting that Dragon Age 4 is not yet an official name for the game – BioWare only refers to it as the “next Dragon Age.”

Speaking of next-generation consoles, you can now sign up to pre-order a PS5, though the first round will be inviting only. And for more news from Gamescom, be sure to check out our summary of all Opening Night Live announcements.

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