New Coronavirus Stress: What Does It Mean for You?

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the new variant has a range of changes.

Experts in the UK are ‘very confident’ that the new coronavirus type is more contagious

Chris Fischer, England’s chief medical officer, said on Saturday that the new strain was “spreading faster” and that it was responsible for 60% of new infections in London.

On Monday, an epidemiologist from the World Health Organization said, “We are hearing that it is spreading rapidly by up to 70%.”

Maria Van Kerkov, WHO’s technical lead for Covid-19, said: “What they’re looking at is that the number of reproductions – so this is the number of people who are infected – has increased from 1.1 to 1.5.”

“I just want to put this in terms of 70% growth.”

Van Kerkov said it was not yet clear whether the increase was “associated only with variants,” or whether it was due to human behavior.

The CDC said Tuesday that there is no evidence yet that this type causes a more serious illness or increases the risk of death.

But a strain that spreads faster can lead to more infections, resulting in more hospitalizations and deaths.

Now where is this stress?

Outside the UK, this strain has been found in countries such as Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy and Australia. A similar but distinct type has also been identified in South Africa.

The CDC said that as of Tuesday, tensions in the United States had not been identified by sequencing efforts, although U.S. Of the 17 million cases, only about 51,000 have been infected.

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“A small portion of the U.S. infections are sequential, given the variable already found in the United States.

Epidemiologist Dr Celine Grender said she thinks the strain is already in the US as the recent boom in the UK has been circulating for months.

Public Health England said backward tracing (using genetic evidence) indicates that the first strain emerged in England in September. It then rotated to a very low level until mid-November.

“Because the virus has been spreading in the UK for some time already, the cat has come out of the bag.” “It’s spread elsewhere, including the United States.”

Who is most affected by this stress?

The World Health Organization said on Tuesday that “most of the Covid-19 cases from which this type has been identified have occurred in people under 60 years of age.”

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This can be problematic because “when people are asymptomatic, they are usually people under the age of 0,” said Elizabeth Cohen, senior medical correspondent for CNN.

“So this is spreading so fast – or part of the reason – is that a lot of these people don’t show symptoms, so they’re running around and spreading it.”

Of course, people can become infected for several days before symptoms appear. And some young people suffer from the long-term effects of Covid-19.

While serious illness from Kovid-19 is relatively rare in children, “there is a hint [the new strain] Scientist Neil Ferguson, a member of the UK’s New and Filling Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (NERVTAG), said … there is a high risk of infecting children.

But he said more data is needed.

How can I protect myself from this new stress?

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This new strain means “we have to work a little harder to stop the spread,” Van Kerwow said.

Gounder agreed. “All we really need to do is focus on what we know will prevent this new type from spreading – which is the same thing that usually works against the spread of coronavirus.”

“It’s a mask, it’s a social distance.”

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Will the vaccine work against this new strain?

Both the Pfizer / Bioentech vaccine and the Modern vaccine have shown an efficacy rate of about 95% in clinical trials. But now many are wondering whether this vaccine will work on different strains of the virus – like the one spreading rapidly in the UK.

Pfizer and Moderna said they are testing their vaccines to see if they work against UK-based stress.

Ugur Sahin, CEO of Biontech, said on Tuesday that the new strain could mean that more people would have to be vaccinated to gain mob immunity.

“On the subject of mob immunity, there is always a 60% to 70% debate,” Sahin said.

“But if the virus becomes more efficient in infecting people, we may also need a higher rate of vaccination to ensure we can return to normal life without interruption.”

The novel coronavirus has been mutated before, and both vaccines have worked against virus variations.

When can you get vaccinated?

“So far, I don’t think there is a single type of vaccine that is resistant to the vaccine,” said Monsef Slow, chief science adviser at Operation Operation Worm Speed.

“We can’t exclude him, but he’s not there anymore.”

Scientists at the Warter Reed Army Institute Research Center are investigating the variant and expect to know in the next few days that the vaccines will not work against it.

How does this stress affect travel?

At least 24 countries are now banning travel from the UK, including Canada, Russia, Chile, Italy, Iran and Sweden.
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The UK has no plans to impose a travel ban against the UK, US Assistant Secretary of Health Brett Giroire said on Monday.

British Airways, Delta Airlines and Virgin Atlantic have agreed on the need to test passengers for Covid-1 for passengers on flights from the UK to New York, the government said in a statement.

But some health experts say Americans shouldn’t travel anyway, as new Covid-19 hospitalizations and deaths are on the rise – and it’s easy for loved ones to become infected without realizing it.

“This is not really the time to travel,” Gounder said.

CNN’s Zamira Rahim, Jamie Gumbractt, Fred Platgen and Mary Illushina contributed to the report.
