Never make up with Queen Elizabeth and 6 other rules to follow when it comes to fulfilling her majesty

As the longest reigning monarch in British royal history, Queen Elizabeth has met thousands of people around the world. Since 1952, Her Majesty has attended numerous official engagements and embarked on dozens of royal tours. But regardless of where the Queen is or who is in her presence, anyone who gets the chance to meet her must follow strict royal rules.

Queen Elizabeth
Queen Elizabeth | Victoria Jones – WPA Pool / Getty Images

Never accept the Queen

According to Yahoo! Life, royal protocol dictates that anyone who meets Queen Elizabeth for the first time must wait for the majesty of her Majesty. She will extend her hand first so that no touch is allowed. After the initial greeting, contact should be kept to an absolute minimum. Any attempt to kiss or hug the queen would be a great royal faux pas.

Just do not do it

When the queen enters a room, guests must also take directions from the monarch. Everyone who meets her majesty must stand and be ready to greet her. American citizens can just shake hands with the Queen when they meet her. Citizens of Great Britain, however, must bend or bend.

If they were in the same room as Queen Elizabeth, everyone would have to stand. The only time to sit is after she does that. It is also considered disrespectful to turn your back on the Queen.

Always use a gift

Every time someone meets with the Queen, she must bring a suitable gift. A common practice during a visit to Her Majesty is for local people to give them something that represents their birthplace.

Know what to say, and when to say it

Everyone who is with the Queen should not speak unless spoken to. Royal etiquette dictates that the Monarch conducts all talks. Anyone who meets them should simply answer their questions and respond to their comments. The Queen will also be the one to bring the conversation to an end.

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Another rule when talking to the Queen is to address her first as “Your Majesty.” The rest of the time, the right way to address her is “Madam.” When it’s time to kick off, the rule is to call her “Your Majesty” again. Calling her Queen Elizabeth is an enormous no-no.

Dress appropriate for the occasion

Anyone preparing to meet the Queen should dress appropriately for the occasion. Dress never too casual – no ripped jeans or flip-flops – or too revealing. Another good rule of thumb is to follow the dress code and dress to make an impression.

Nothing at first or slurp tea

There are also rules when it comes to food and tea time. Guests at a royal dinner must wait for Queen Elizabeth to take the first bite. Everyone at dinner should also be served food when the queen finishes her meal.

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Another popular part of British culture is tea time. Guests of the Queen at tea time should follow her lead and drink tea as she does. When sitting at the table, the proper etiquette to keep is the teacup, not the cup and the cake. Another thing to keep in mind is to never slurp when drinking tea with the Queen.