Negative coverage on steroids: Trump’s victory angers media

President Trump, as always, has made a fictional move to give plenty of ammunition to those who disrupt his journalism.

But man, most of the media treats it like a national tragedy that the sick president was released from the hospital.

My eyeball hurts seeing all the negative coverage.

MSNBC’s Joy Reid called Trump’s appearance on the Truman balcony a “Mussolini moment.”

CNN “Practically it feels like we’re in the grip of a madman,” said David Gergen, who is generally the lightest of men.

White House physicians say Trump will not be able to “completely get out of the woods” in the fight against the “fighting coronavirus.”

CNN morning host John Berman, when the producer played a B-roll of the Trump Balcony look, complained: “Take it off, please, don’t even put it on the screen! Please take it off, because it will kill people.”

I know this sounds crazy in the current environment, but shouldn’t the country be happy that a sick president has improved at a stage where he can leave Walter Reed? Can’t pundits at least pay lip service to the idea that it’s better than taking a turn for the worse?

When CNN’s Jim Acosta said on Twitter that Trump is a “coronavirus-in-chief,” he didn’t really try to hide his instincts.

And yet Trump has probably not done much to help himself with the help of the medical team since he was released from the hospital.

The video made by the president, for starters, was about himself. This, according to many reports, contradicts the hopes of its employees that being a virus would allow it to show little sympathy for those affected.

Instead, he said: “I learned a lot about coronavirus. And one thing that is certain, do not let it dominate you. Don’t be afraid of it. You’re going to defeat him. We have the best medical devices; We have the best drugs – all recently developed – and you’ll beat it. “

He said that 20 years ago he “feels good … don’t let him take your life. Don’t let that happen. And he again compared it to the flu.

Well, as reporters have pointed out, the average person does not have access to the world-class battalions of doctors and state-of-the-art equipment, as the president does, or does not have a medical unit at home. “You’ll Beat It” must play the hollow for the families of the 210,000 Americans who have died. And the virus causes long-term damage to some survivors. It was once again heard that the President was reducing Kovid-19.

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There was a new line of argument for those who believe Trump and many of his top aides contracted the virus by not wearing masks, not practicing social distance, and attending crowded White House events: “I knew it was a risk, but I had to do it. That. I stood in front; I led.

Even more obnoxious was the remark that the president was walking down the stairs to the south lawn, posing on the balcony, whipping the mask, saluting and entering the mansion.

“What a bull -” said Chris Cuomo on CNN, not stumbling over the word for long.

First, dodging the mask sent a message – especially since Trump was moving into a residence full of employees, who would probably come up against him. An unnamed White House official told Axios that the move was “insane” and was turning 1600 Pennsylvania into a “cesspool”.

And secondly, Trump didn’t look good on the balcony, as no photographer was nearby, even in full makeup, or someone had to go near him to apply. He fell into grief. He was out of breath, causing the Droz banner “Gassing for Air.”

But there is a difference between criticism and gender between aggressive journalism and anti-journalism. The press has every right to be skeptical after all the incomplete and misleading statements about Trump’s health. But what the country sees is a bunch of people who feel unhappy that the leader of the country, when his doctor says, “not from the woods”, is out of the hospital.