NBA bubble to allow family and ‘friends’ in

Which of LeBron’s kids will watch the most games?
Photo: Joe Robbins / Getty Images

Until this early, star-cross basketball season is over, Vulture will be checking semi-regularly for events in the NBA bubble.

Did you hear that bright popping sound? It’s the sound of the NBA bubble making something permeable. After the first round of this season’s delayed playoffs, the league will open the Disney World Green Zone to select groups of non-players for the first time, necessitating the creation of a set of hilarious specific rules regarding who and what not. is eligible for entry. May ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski, will allow each player to bring four guests into the bubble, though they may go over the limit if that excludes one or more of their children (thus avoiding an awkward situation from Jan Brady).

According to the official memo, guests are only allowed to be family members or the much-parsed euphemism “established long personal friends.” Who counts as an established longing personal friend? For the purposes of the bubble it is net someone “the player has not met in person before with whom the player had limited interactions in person,” or someone “only” known by the player via social media as an intermediary, “which raises the question of exactly which apps count as “social media.” According to USA Today, “Agents, business managers, personal chefs, trainers and tattoo artists” are also not allowed, although some think the really established people will find ways around that.