Naya Rivera turned to God after her relationship with Big Sean and ‘Glee’ ended

Naya Rivera went through a difficult time after her breakup with Big Sean and after Gûle came to an end. Here’s what Rivera said about her journey to building a relationship with God during two major rough patches.

Naya Rivera found silver lining at a rough time in her life

Naya Rivera |  Michael Tran / FilmMagic
Naya Rivera | Michael Tran / FilmMagic

Although Rivera had problems in her personal and professional life, she still found something positive to focus on. In her book, Sorry not sorry, Rivera said it is possible to find strength in difficult times. It’s all in the way you react to your situation.

“The unexpected silver lining after a really horrible time in your life is that it can actually be somewhat empowering,” Rivera wrote. ‘It makes you realize how much control you have – not over what happens, but over how you choose to see it. That, I could sit there and be depressed and feel like a victim, or I could pick myself up and move on. If I have a personal philosophy, it’s sticking to it ‘, so that’s exactly what I did. ‘

Naya Rivera chose to separate herself and reconnect with God

Rivera said her only choice after experiencing a downturn in her life was to separate herself and focus on her relationship with God. “I had to keep my head high and deal with this mess, and the only way to do that was to let go,” Rivera wrote. “I had to forget about my ex, forget the people on the internet, forget about my costars. I just had to be with myself, and with God. ”

Rivera stayed home for about two weeks. She said she did not stay home, that she could think about her problems and have pain for herself. Instead, she participated in self-care and reflection.

I also used this time to start praying a lot and going to church. I really think that whoever you are, and whatever you believe, you need to find something that will take you to a calmer place and make you feel refreshed. For some people that thing is yoga, or reading self-help or philosophy books, but for me it is the church. I’m a Christian and I grew up in a church, and the principles of Christianity have always resonated with me.

Naya Rivera in ‘Sorry Not Sorry’

Naya Rivera identified as a Christian

Rivera said it felt “good” to practice Christianity. She felt centered after spending time with God and focused on her spiritual growth.

Christianity had felt him from the beginning. Going to church felt good, what I learned there made sense, and I felt a real connection with God. Every time I go to church, or pray, I feel renewed, and then the whole world seems a lot clearer.

The year 2014 was an alarm clock – for the last two years, everything had moved at the speed of light, and they were going so well that I forgot they could go bad. Every time there is unrest and noise in my life, I go back to the Bible and my relationship with God, and that sends me where I need to go.

Naya Rivera in ‘Sorry Not Sorry’

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