Navarro mocks Fauci’s first pitch

Navarro also revealed that he had not spoken to the doctor since USA Today published his column, titled “Anthony Fauci has been wrong about everything I have interacted with.”

Pressed on what he would say to Fauci today, Navarro replied: “Let’s fight this virus from China and defeat it together with the president.”

Navarro has questioned Fauci’s scientific credentials since the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, memorably clashing with the respected immunologist in April over the efficacy of the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for Covid-19.

Navarro had promoted the drug, which was later found to be ineffective against the virus, despite Fauci’s concerns about its safety, drawing his disagreement into the cable news.

Navarro’s attacks on Fauci increased a few weeks ago when President Donald Trump made a series of statements that contradicted the doctor and the White House launched a covert campaign to undermine his credibility with the American public.

But after the release of Navarro’s anti-Fauci op-ed, the president distanced himself from criticism from his aide, and the West Wing press store insisted he had not approved the column.

“I cannot explain to Peter Navarro. It is in a world alone. So I don’t even want to go there, “Fauci said of his colleague’s op-ed in an interview with The Atlantic earlier this month, characterizing the White House spots as” strange. ”

The doctor’s relationship with the president appears to have improved somewhat in recent days, as Trump apparently seeks to cast a more serious tone in discussing the threat of the coronavirus.

As for the first misleading pitch in last week’s first game of the season between the Washington Nationals and the New York Yankees, Fauci laughed at his unimpressive performance in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. “It should have warmed up for 10 minutes,” he acknowledged.

Before Navarro’s latest injection of Fauci, Donald Trump Jr., the president’s oldest son, had also ridiculed the doctor in a tweet last Thursday. “Just a little outside !!!” he wrote online, sharing a video of Fauci throwing a baseball out of the strike zone.