NASA’s new video shows you what it’s like to travel close to the speed of light

If you are a fan of science fiction, chances are you will encounter a few franchises where humanity has spread itself across the famous Universe. The ships that allow this, maybe they use a warp drive, maybe they have “space fold”, maybe they have a faster-than-light (FTL) or “jump” station. It’s a cool idea, the thought of “go interracial!” Unfortunately, the immutable laws of physics tell us that this is simply not possible.

However, the physics that govern our Universe allow journeys that are close to the speed of light, even though obtaining that speed would require an enormous amount of energy. However, the same laws also tell us that traveling at almost light speeds comes with all sorts of challenges. Fortunately for all of us, NASA addresses this in a recently released animated video that covers all the basics of interstellar travel!

To sum up, according to the immutable laws of physics (specifically Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity), there is no way to reach or exceed the speed of light. This means that if you are going to attempt interstellar travel, your best bet is to either settle for the long haul (i.e. a Generation Ship) or find a means of propulsion that can allow constant acceleration up to a fraction of the speed of light (relativistic velocity) is achieved.

For the sake of this video, called “NASA’s Guide to Near-light-speed Travel” (shown above), it is assumed that the interstellar traveler (who looks like an alien being) built a spacecraft capable of is to travel 90% the speed of light (0.9 c). The video is presented as an informational video for an interpersonal traveler. It is introduced with the following message:

‘So, you just finished finishing your spaceship upgrades, and now it can fly at almost the speed of light. We are not very sure how you got it off, but congratulations! However, before you embark on your next vacation, check out this handy video to learn more about safety considerations at near-light speeds, travel times, and distances between some popular destinations throughout the universe. “

By asking the question of how the spaceship can reach this kind of speed, the video then moves directly to address the major problems that come with traveling in a relativistic universe. These include time dilatation, the need to protect in the interstellar medium, and how long it will take to travel even to the nearest destinations, such as the nearest star (Proxima Centauri), the nearest galaxy (Andromeda), or the farthest ( GN- z11).

Right, these challenges are quite difficult and the greatest scientific thinkers in the world are still looking for a work-around. A good example is Breakthrough Starshot, an initiative that hopes to send a laser-powered light seal to Alpha Centauri in the coming years. Relying on direct energy propulsion, the proposed spaceflight would reach 20% the speed of light (0.2 c) and make the journey in just 20 years.

Of course, this plan included a lot of research into the dangers of interstellar travel and led to some creative solutions for how to deal with them. These include (but are not limited to) protection, communications, the types of cameras and instruments that would provide the best scientific returns, the type of sail used, and the shape of the sail itself, and how the spacecraft once operated. it would get slower there.

In the meantime, it’s good to have educational resources that let people understand the scientific realities that underlie our favorite franchises (as in many cases)! It is also useful when it comes to aspiring physicists and scientists who hope to see interracial journeys happen within their life periods. You need to know what the challenges are if you plan to beat them!

The video was the work of scientists and media experts from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Goddard Media Studios (GMS). The effort was led by Chris Smith, a multimedia producer and member of the Universities Space Research Association (USRA) within Goddard’s Astrophysics division. He was joined by fellow USRA member Krystofer Kim, who was the main animator of the video.

NASA Goddard also has shorter video clips and printable postcards available to download here:

We have done a number of articles here on Universe Today that address the same issues. Consider the pros and cons of different methods of interstellar travel, what is time extension ?, How long would it take to get to the nearest star ?, We have studied Pluto, now let’s examine the nearest star !, and just how easy the warp is Ride?

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