NASA says the galaxy could be at least 300 million habitable planets

Following a nine-year mission completed in 2018, when it ran out of fuel, NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope identified about 300 million planets that are habitable in the galaxy.

The journey from 2009 to 2018 to find many exoplanets (planets that orbit stars outside the solar system) took place between 2009 and 2018. In addition to those criteria, the telescope was looking for exoplanets orbiting their stars at approximately equal distances orbiting the earth. The sun.

An updated analysis, first published in the Astronomical Journal, attempted to put some of these places in perspective. Responding to what was supposed to be a “consonant” estimate, researchers believe that half of the stars, such as the Sun, may have planets with water. Another estimate, more optimistic, is that 75 percent of the planets will reach the same level.

The study was started with the goal of ballparking the amount of discovered planets that could be like Earth. To do this, they looked at the distance between each exoplanet from its parent star, while also evaluating the star’s temperature and light energy radiation.

On NASA’s website, leading study author Steve Bryce released a statement that should make it easier to understand why this is important.

Beplan said Kepler had already told us there were billions of planets, but now we know that a good portion of those planets could be rocky and habitable. “Although this result is far from the ultimate value, and the water on the planet’s surface is just one of the many factors supporting life, it is very exciting that we calculated. [that] This is common in this world with such high confidence and accuracy. “

Co-author Ravi Koparapu also added that the ESA (European Space Agency) had previous data.

“We are always determining the habitat in terms of the physical distance of the planet from the star, so that it is not too hot or cold, so we left a lot of assumptions,” Koparapu said. “Gaia’s data on stars allowed us to see these planets and their stars in a whole new way.”

He added, “Not every star is the same.” “And neither is every planet.”

SlightlySmall numbers, stating that there are at least four sitting between 20 and 30 light-years from your current location. “Data-reacted =” 32 “> Some of these locations are” near “, current calculations are Slightly Small numbers, stating that there are at least four sitting between 20 and 30 light-years from your current location.

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