NASA chose Nokia to build the first mobile network on the moon

Nokia says it has been selected for the first construction by the American space agency NASA Mobile Phone network on the moon.

The Finnish technology company recently announced that its Nokia Bell Labs division will build a lunar communications system. It said NASA would put the devices on a lunar lander. The spacecraft is expected to reach the lunar surface by the end of 2022.

Nokia’s announcement comes as the space agency prepares to send astronauts to the moon by 2024. NASA’s Artemis program aims to establish a long-term human presence on the moon as a “warm-up” for the future. Mission On Mars.

Earlier this month, NASA announced that it had given 0 370 million to 14 companies to provide technology for the lunar-landing program. Will support the study of money Cryogenic Liquid Management And technologies related to energy storage and power generation on the lunar surface.

The space agency also signed a deal to develop and test an improved lunar landing system. And it is exploring private companies to mine rocks and other resources on the moon.

The Nokia deal was included in a recent award given to NASA’s private companies. The space agency said it was paying the company $ 14.1 million to build the mobile network.

Nokia said its network work would provide astronauts with important communications for the need to perform on the moon. This will include Remote Control of lunar vehicles and other equipment, real-time Researcher Activities and high quality video Streaming.

Equipment includes a base station, Antenna And computer software programs. All devices will be built to avoid difficult launches, lunar landings and extreme conditions in space.

Nokia said the devices are designed to configure or set up a 4G / LTE communications network on its own. Marcus Weldon is Nokia’s chief technology officer. Weld said they see the need to support the 4G / LTE system Durable Human presence on the lunar surface. ”

The company decided to use 4G instead of the latest mobile technology 5G, as 4G has been available for a long time and proves it. Reliability.

Nokia said its long-term goal is to move the lunar network to 5G technology in the future.

I’m Brian Lynn.

The Associated Press and Reuters have reported on the story. Brian Lee adapted the reports for VOA Learning English. George Grow was the editor.


The words in this story

Mobile – Adjective Able to move freely or easily

Mission – n. An important task, which usually involves traveling somewhere

Cryogenic – Adjective It is related to the scientific study of very low temperatures and how to produce them

Management – n. Something control and organization

Remote – Adjective At a distance

Researcher – n. Movement and leading of objects such as ships or vehicles

Streaming – n. The activity of listening or watching audio or video directly from the Internet

AntennaN. A structure made of metal rods or wires, often located at the top of a building or vehicle, that receives or transmits radio or television signals

Durable – Adjective Able to continue from time to time

Reliability – n. The ability to believe or trust
