Mysterio’s plan ‘was doomed from the start’

With movies like Infinite war and End of the game Marvel Cinematic Universe has shown that it can make some great movies with a great villain like Thanos.

That being said, Marvel hasn’t been as lucky with many of its other movies. For better or for worse, one of the most common criticisms of Marvel movies has been that villains are not great and still die after a movie.

While the Spider-Man MCU movies have been a clear improvement over the other Spider-Man movies, unfortunately the same thing happened in Spider-Man: away from home. Here’s a look at why Mysterio’s plan was doomed from the start.

A summary of ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’

Jake Gyllenhaal
Jake Gyllenhaal | Daniel Boczarski / Getty Images

Like the first MCU movie Spider-Man, Far from home It takes place from the perspective of a young high school Peter Parker. Peter is on a school trip to Italy when, out of nowhere, a creature attacks him and his classmates. Since he’s Spider-Man, he adapts to save the day, but before he can do that, a mysterious man named Mysterio does it for him.

Mysterio claims to be from another universe, and tells Peter that they have to stop those creatures before Peter’s world is destroyed as Mysterio. This becomes the basis of their relationship, as the two continue to fight increasingly larger creatures. However, not everything is what it seems.

Who is Mysterio really

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Later in the movie, it is revealed that Mysterio is actually a normal guy named Quentin Beck. He used to work for Tony Stark, and specialized in making holographic projections. However, Stark fired him, and this made him angry, angry enough to form a revenge plan.

Unlike other villains, Mysterio’s revenge plan did not involve killing the person who harmed him. Instead, Mysterio wanted to take the only thing that Stark still had in the world, since, at the time of the movie, Stark was already dead. Mysterio wanted to replace Iron Man and become the best superhero in the world, and he did it using his holograms to create big and disastrous events, and then he rushed in and saved the day.

However, this plan needed one thing that Mysterio did not have available. It’s one thing to make holograms, but for those holograms to be credible, they actually need to do some damage. This is where EDITH appears. EDITH was a piece of technology that Stark left for Peter to use, and basically gave him control of satellites, drones, and missiles.

Mysterio wanted control of EDITH as it would allow him to hold massive events, the things Thanos would be capable of. But, instead of needing the Infinity Stones to stop those events, Mysterio would simply save the day as usual. This plan, however, was doomed from the start.

Why Mysterio’s plan was doomed in the beginning

As Marvel fans on Reddit said, Mysterio’s plan falls apart the moment he even thought about using EDITH.This is because EDITH is an incredibly powerful piece of technology, something the Avengers would be monitoring. Stark may have entrusted EDITH to Peter, but it would be a massive oversight if Stark did not inform anyone else about EDITH and his abilities.

Anyone who knows about EDITH and what it can do will realize that it is not the type of technology that should fall into the wrong hands. As a result, the Avengers, or at least SHIELD, were definitely monitoring EDITH and would have eventually detained Mysterio. But of course Peter overcomes his problems and beats Mysterio alone, so the Avengers didn’t have to step in.

That said, the main flaw with Mysterio’s plan was range. If Mysterio didn’t care about EDITH, then there is a good chance that no one would have seen his illusions to begin with.