Murphy says after the record-setting of the Covid-19 case, indoor, outdoor gathering limits will be reduced.

New Jersey is reducing the number of people allowed to gather both indoors and outdoors to fight another wave of COVID-19, Governor Phil Murphy said Monday morning, setting a back-to-record record day for new coronavirus cases by the state. After. Weekend

With the winter holidays fast approaching, Murphy said, 25 to 10 people and outdoor gatherings will be reduced from 500 to 150 people.

But the governor said the change does not affect the current 25% capacity limit on indoor dining in the state.

In addition, the current limit for weddings, funerals and movie theaters – 25% of the venue’s capacity, will be a maximum of 150 people – while religious services and political activities will be allowed, Murphy’s Office told NJ Advance Media. .

“We think it’s a step, along with some of the other steps we’ve taken, which will hopefully start reducing that number,” Murphy said in an interview on MSNBC.

“This is very tiring, it’s a lot of transmission of the private setting,” he added. “Especially with the holidays coming up we urge people not to let their hair down, vigilant, social distance, facial ings, original stuff.”

Murphy said the new limits apply to “your private setting”.

In a separate interview on WPIX, he said, “We are urging you to thank the people you are living with, just a very small thank you with your loved ones.”

Murphy added that officers would “enforce compliance” whenever they could.

“It’s all about getting your liquor license up and shutting down your establishment,” he said. “It’s hard to do if it’s in a private setting, but we’ll do our best to enforce compliance.”

Murphy warned residents that the epidemic “has gotten worse, and is going to get worse.”

“So we had to be honest with the connoisseurs,” he said. “Especially with the cold weather સાથે the holidays, this will only get worse. Please God, that spring doesn’t reach the level we saw in you. “

And Murphy left out the possibility of establishing a statewide lockdown like the first wave in March.

“Do we reserve the right to shut everything down? “Unfortunately, we have to keep up with these numbers,” he told WPIX.

Murphy is expected to reveal more during his recent coronavirus briefing in Trenton at 1 p.m.

On Saturday, the weekend over and on Sunday the second, New40 – New Jersey over the weekend, 3535 more COVID-19 cases have been reported.

Both of those figures broke records – even with a warning. According to the Covid-19 dashboard of the state health department, the state’s testing capacity in the spring was about 4,000 tests per day, while the current daily test is between 15,000 and 55,000 per day. This means that there were probably many more cases in the spring that you could not find.

As of Sunday night in New Jersey, 2,115 patients had been hospitalized with confirmed or suspected cases – far fewer than the 8,300 patients during the spring peak.

Still, the positive percentage of hospital admissions and daily percentages continues to rise, and officials warn of death – which has not increased at the rate they did in the spring – is likely to increase.

“We have a lot more capacity than in the spring,” Murphy said of the hospitals. “We know more about the virus than we did in the spring. But the numbers are clearly going in the wrong direction. ”

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Several other sanctions have been introduced by the state in recent days to help combat the spread. New Jersey bars and rest restaurants in the state will now have to close indoor dining every day between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Also, the governor has given local governments the option of establishing a business closing at 8 p.m. And all indoor interstate organized sports up to high school level will be limited under the new rules.

Murphy said schools have always been a positive point during epidemics, with 52 cases of school broadcasts in about 3,000 buildings in the state.

Asked whether the state would close schools if the numbers reached a certain level, the governor said: “I have no hope. Our school experience has been really good so far. ”

“Schools, by the way, when you prepare properly, you keep social distance, you put up barriers, you order masking is a good example,” he said at WPIX. “That’s the reason we’re seeing low-level transmission in schools – because they’re doing it right.”

Meanwhile, Murphy met with the governors of four neighboring states on Sunday to discuss possible new sanctions. They did not announce any new policies on Sunday night, but Murphy said testing and quarantine policies regarding college students returning home from a college lodge for the holidays could be announced soon.

“We will try to do as much as we can regionally,” Murphy said during a separate interview on Fox 29. “Our measures may not be exactly the same. But overall the approach to the subjects is very consistent across the states.”

On a positive note, Moderna announced that its coronavirus vaccine is 94.5% effective. It comes a week after the announcement of its own COVID-19 vaccine by rival Pfizer Inc. seems almost 90% effective. Federal officials expect a slight rollout of the vaccine in the new year.

“The news of the vaccine is really good,” Murphy said. That’s great. But he’s not here yet. We wage war. This thing is bouncing, and we have to stay strong. “

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Brent Johnson Can be reached at [email protected].