Mulan’s review: Timely, live-action remake of Moving Tech on Disney Plus

Mulan 2020

Mulan’s fearlessness and devotion to family have special meaning in today’s troubled world.


When Disney introduced Live-Action Mulan Remake Is Faced with many delays Due Nationwide epidemic of corona virus, Its long awaited Admission to Disney Plus Seems full time. The movie’s messages of female empowerment, bravery and devotion to family are all moving forward especially as we navigate a changing, uncertain world.

Like the beloved 1998 animated film, Mulan (Yefi Liu) struggles to strike a balance between acknowledging his abilities and honoring his family in China. As a woman centuries ago, she said it was her duty to bring honor through marriage. But from childhood, MulanHer father sees that she has a special power or “chi.” As she grows older, it’s not just Mulan who must face the struggle to hide her abilities; Even her father feels the excruciating pain of ignoring his daughter’s skills of being just a girl.

“Chi is for fighters, not for daughters,” her father tells her like a child. “Soon, you’ll be a young woman, and it’s time to hide your gift.”

From this repeated story, it seems to Mulan that he is neither in the world of a man nor in the world of a woman. She has been told by her family to “learn your place”, but when that place largely does not exist it proves to be quite challenging.

This remake, paused by the jaw-dropping stunts of mid-air-wielding sword-wielding warriors, takes on a more serious, dramatic tone than its animated predecessor. This is evident in the absence of songs like I Don’t Make You Out, You Don’t You and You Don’t Us All. Stunning tunes are a big part of the appeal of many Disney movies, however, their inclusion here would have felt compelling, and Mulan’s compelling story is enough to keep this film going. There is a powerful instrumental rendition of reflection that Mulan plays in the film behind the movie embracing his skills, allowing the favorite music of the animated version enough.

A weighted tone also means that humor is scaled back. In the remake we don’t see Mulan’s witty grandmother, and Mushu is significantly missing. Instead, Mulan’s father demands the power of Phoenix – a symbol – throughout the film, to see Mulan. The lack of humor is also manifested in the adult Mulan who is less spunky and rhubarb than his animated counterpart, which carries some charm that makes him very relevant and loving. But ultimately it is a small loss that makes way for a fearlessly managed and focused character.

With the elimination of some old characters, we also get to know new ones. This remake gives Mulan a sister, possibly as a means of introducing the main character’s uncontrollable behavior with a well-organized daughter. Lucky Cricket from the animated version has been re-named as a fellow soldier named Cricket, and there have been some attempts to weave light humor into his role, but none of the jokes are really sticking to the landing.

We also get to know Xianning (Gong Li), who often takes the form of the bird of the opponent Bari Khan. He also takes on the equality of male victims when he needs to make a plan. Like Mulan, Jianang also struggles to accept, and so the promise to provide his service to Khan is exchanged where “your powers will not be wasted.”

Mulan 2020

The new character Xianniang adds depth to Mulan’s story.


Jianyang’s introduction brings more dimension to the story, as we go to see the parallels between his life and Mulan’s life. They are both outsiders who choose their own outfit to fit themselves. The main difference, of course, is that Mulan uses his excuse to fight, while Xianang defends evil, and we are introduced to what Mulan is likely to be. Let the bitterness of his exclusion take over his heart.

Xianning’s character development and evolving relationship with Muan are the most striking features of the film. It is refreshing and inspiring to see two women fighting for a place in the world while uplifting each other, especially at a time when the issues highlighted by the Mito movement affect women from all walks of life.

The ending of the film provides a beautiful resolution to the struggle between balancing individual needs with a desire to serve the family. We are often told, especially through movies and TV shows, that these two priorities are mutually exclusive. It is inspiring that Mulan is finally able to find his place and purpose while also showing devotion to his family.

This kind of family devotion and being helpful to others has special meaning today. As everyday life has been shaken by the coronavirus epidemic, many of us have found ourselves reflecting on the most important relationships. Uncertainty provides an opportunity to appreciate all we have right now, and to support those in need. Mulan’s acts of love and devotion to his family are a heartwarming reminder that we can tap into our own skills and abilities to help others.

The film is also a testament to the power of bravery. As Mulan’s father said, “There is no courage without fear.” It is natural to feel uneasy about the state of the world and our purpose and destiny. But, despite the uncertainty, daring to continue the best and most honest version of ourselves is one of the bravery we can do. For ourselves and those around us, continuing to fight against all odds is truly a feat of the modern-day warrior.

In addition to the regular subscription fee for Disney Plus, Mulan is available to stream on Disney Plus starting Friday at $ 30 in the US. I will become it Free to anyone with a standard Disney Plus membership on December 4th. Mulan is also available in international markets in Canada, Australia, Australia, New Zealand and many Western European countries.