MSNBC presenter Rachel Maddow details new revelations about Trump’s latest corruption scandal

In any normal administration, Rachel Maddow of MSNBC said something like this would be impeached by a president. For President Donald Trump, however, it is the same as always.

At the top of his show on Wednesday, Maddow detailed shocking revelations that the president was trying to use his position as president to strike a deal with the British government and bring the British Open to the Trump Turnberry complex in Scotland. Ambassador Woody Johnson revealed Trump’s latest corruption scandal after the president asked him to speak to the British.

Maddow detailed the ways he is more of the same as Americans have seen from this president, who has funneled at least $ 2.2 million from MAGA donors into his own properties. That doesn’t include the $ 2.4 million in funds that the Republican Party has spent on events at Trump’s properties. In total, Trump, in conjunction with the Republican Party, has raised nearly $ 7 million since taking office.

But the same thing that is happening with political money is also happening with taxpayer dollars.

“Unlike other presidents, who untangled themselves from their financial assets and obligations, whom they blindly trust or who dropped any kind of investment or anything that could create a conflict of interest, in this case, the president did nothing.” . those things and he blatantly figured out how to blatantly funnel campaign money into his pockets, but he also figured out how to funnel government money, our money, taxpayer money, into his pockets, “Maddow said.

Trump Turnberry’s trick is just the latest example of the president using his position to try and get more money from other governments. Despite warnings not to try to sell Trump’s property to the British, Ambassador Johnson did so anyway, meeting with Scottish Secretary of State David Mundell.

When asked about it, Trump denied the story and then bragged about how great Trump Turnberry is, by backing it up.

“Best in the world?” Maddow quoted. “Why would you say that? When answering a question about misusing your office to boost your business, don’t forget to use the White House meeting room to boost your business while answering that question, right? He denies that he’s using the presidency to exaggerate Turnberry and he says, “By the way, as president, do you want to know how good Turnberry is?” That’s how he denies it. That’s the kind of sales I bet they taught at college. Trump before it closed as a multi-state fraud. “

See its opener below: