Motor City machine guns meet for the first time in more than two years

Impact promises a lot of surprises for tonight Slammiversary pay per view (PPV). The show opened with one of those.

Rascalz (Dez and Wentz) had launched an open challenge for any tag team in the world. The assumption would be that Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows, who announced that they are now with Impact, would accept that.

But that was a bit of a mistake as Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin answered the call. (It was amazing to hear his old Impact / TNA music, which was always one of my favorites.)

Motor City machine guns have not joined since May 2018 in Ring of Honor. Shelley has been working around the world ever since, including teaming up with Kushida for a match at NXT. But Chris Sabin has not worked since early 2019.

That likely led to some of the history behind this match, with Rascalz more active as the team that had the momentum from the start. But of course the Guns would return. They have been working together for over a decade. It may take a little time to get rid of that rust, but they will never lose chemistry. And when they started it, they seemed unstoppable.

In the end, the younger team was unable to keep up with the vets, who pushed Dez and Wentz away. Given the nature of the business, that probably means they’ll stick around a bit. If this were unique, they probably would have left the team full time.

It’s always great to see the Guns back.

To update:

Title match on Tuesday!

You can find the results of Slammiversary here.