Mosquitoes: vampires in the garden


It is not halloween; This is not Transylvania, but every time I go out into the garden I end up with less blood. To add insult to injury, itchy welts last for days. Mosquitoes are to blame, of course, and they seem to be everywhere. Why can’t they just take my blood and not leave an itchy welt? Why do they bite me and not the person next to me? I tried to answer these and other questions to learn how to deal with these little blood sucking pests.

Mosquitoes contribute to millions of deaths a year. Diseases such as dengue, encephalitis, malaria, West Nile virus, yellow fever, and Zika virus are spread. Fortunately, according to the World Health Organization, they do not spread COVID-19.

Only female mosquito bites. She needs the protein in mammalian blood to lay her eggs. Male mosquitoes feed on the nectar of flowers and do not bite. After sucking the blood through a tube, the female injects saliva into the bite that contains an anticoagulant to help with blood flow. But the proteins in your saliva are strange and activate the body’s immune system to fight them. The body releases histamine, which is a compound that helps the body’s white blood cells fight infection. Histamine is the cause of inflammation, itching, and swelling.

After collecting the blood, the female expresses the water from the blood and preserves the protein. It will then fly to the nearest water source to lay its eggs. She will lay 100 to 300 eggs at a time. The eggs hatch in approximately 48 hours in larvae. These are tiny, white, worm-like creatures that are about 1/16 inch long. In 7-10 days, the larva will grow before proceeding to the pupal stage. It takes only 2 days for the pupa to become an adult mosquito.

Mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide because this means that there is blood nearby. Humans and animals exhale CO2, so the mosquito flies in that direction. Some people exhale more CO2 than others, which may explain why some people are bitten more than others. Intense exercise also causes the body to exude more CO2, which will attract more mosquitoes.

There are steps that help mitigate the spread of mosquitoes. According to the University of California Integrated Pest Management website, “The most effective control methods are those directed against the larval stage of the life cycle. If you have an area or object that can hold water for more than a few days, drain it, fill it with dirt or cement, or treat it with a mosquito control agent. Even small containers like soda cans, glass jars, pot saucers, or tree holes can provide a habitat for mosquito development. If not regularly maintained, storm drains, water treatment basins, and wetlands can be places of prolific mosquito production near neighborhoods. ” UC also suggests cleaning all gutters and downspouts. Leaves, twigs, seeds, and other organic matter that block the flow of water can create stagnant water in which the mosquito larva can grow. Insect busters are counterproductive because they also kill insects that prey on mosquitoes.

And what about the bites? Itchiness? There are a few things to help with itching and swelling. These will not cure them, but may provide some relief. Rubbing alcohol can help. Honey, an antiseptic and antibacterial, helps. But don’t go out with honey or you can attract more mosquitoes! At some point, an oatmeal poultice applied to the bite may help. Wash it off after 15 minutes. Basil oil is known to help and take antihistamines.

There are plenty of mosquito repellents on the market to keep little vampires away, but there is no way to avoid getting stung completely. Aside from being perfect candidates for a horror movie, it’s hard to see why these things exist in nature. But mosquitoes are actually useful in the wild. They pollinate and provide food for fish, among other things. So, like or hate them, they are here to stay.

For more information on mosquitoes, visit the UC IPM website:

Francie McGowan is a cooperative outreach master gardener at the University of California Tuolumne County and has an affliction called “Entomophobia,” which is an extreme fear of insects.

Tuolumne and Calaveras Counties UCCE Master Gardeners can answer questions about home gardening by calling 209-533-5912. Complete our easy-to-use problem questionnaire here. Visit our website here. You can also find us on Facebook.
