Moses Sumney directs a resplendent short film in collaboration with Thom Browne

Browne echoes this. “I wanted to create an image that was truly inspiring, truly monumental. The reference to sports and the Olympics always inspires me, “Browne wrote by email.” Moses brought this power and presence to the performance. “

Photo: Courtesy of Thom Browne
Photo: Courtesy of Thom Browne

The film has all the elements of what could traditionally be a moving image of the fashion industry: singular talent and a special garment, an affordable piece of product (that’s Browne’s next collaboration with Beats by Dre, a project in which 100% of the income will be donated to charity). But the message of the film is light years away from other content from the fashion world released this month.

“There are many things [I hope people take from this film,]Sumney begins. “I think the fashion world feels like a dynasty and you gain relevance largely because of heritage in that world. That has always been an obstacle for people like me: I am not from New York City, I am not from a rich family, I am not from a fashionable family. I had to start running and learning about brands, knowing who the designers were, and learning to tidy up while browsing Tumblr and YouTube in the suburbs. It is difficult to do that and gain some kind of prominence in this world. I think this piece is very good and feels very safe; what it tells me is that more designers should really try to collaborate with people who are not only going against the grain, but are not the most obvious names … It really talks about what is possible when you give someone who doesn’t it’s the obvious choice and creates art that’s not obvious. “

For all of Sumney’s worldwide success: his latest album Grae it is Wow“The only fashion events I’ve seen him at have been the Browne shows and dinners. Why is that? “I agree that it is a lost opportunity while the world is changing rapidly and drastically in front of our eyes,” says the musician. “You can choose to be part of that change and help create a new narrative, or you can stay behind and be part of the old guard. I hope people realize that they are making an active choice between those two things when they continue to do the same shit over and over … I think it is much more exciting to not only support a new generation of voices, but a new reach of ideas and forms of collaboration “.
