Monday’s updates: Pattis County has reported two Cavid-19 related deaths; Second in number of deaths in Mid-Missouri

Update 6:20 pm: The Pattis County Health Department has been reporting two more deaths related to COVID-19 since their last update on Friday.

According to the department, the total number of cases has increased from 59 to 1,727.

The number of new active cases dropped from 21 to 451.

The number of recoveries has risen by more than seven per cent to 1,250.

18 remained hospitalized due to COVID-19.

The county’s positivity rate is 11.7 percent, according to the latest update on Oct. 17.

When it comes to hospitals, according to the Missouri Hospital Association (MHA), the three key metrics are the availability of medical beds, ICU availability and ventilator availability.

According to the MHA, the availability of both the ventilator and the bed is in green near the next level. ICU availability is yellow at 29 percent.

Numbers admitted to Boone County Hospital near record a week earlier

Update at 5:30: Columbia / Boone County Public Health and Human Services is reporting 25 new cases, the lowest since October 12.

The number of active cases has dropped from 49 to 340. This is the lowest number of active cases in the county since Oct. 13.

The county reports a total of 5,956 cases and 5,600 recoveries, according to the new dashboard.

The five-day average is consistently trending downwards, reaching 43 Mondays from the 52-week spike on Saturday and Sunday.

The health department is enrolling in a high number of other nearby hospitals. The department is enrolling in 90 hospitals, a record 91 set a week ago on October 19th.

Boone County residents account for 20 percent of all hospital admissions.

The county is reporting 31 patients to the ICU and 15 of those patients are on ventilators.

According to the Boone County COVID-19 Information Hub, hospitals still have no problems.

The CPS 14-day rate rose slightly to 40.9, the highest since September 29.

The district has been up slightly since October 14 but has been in the 39 to 41 range over the past week.

Multiple Mid Missouri Counties report deaths due to coronavirus

Update 4:21 pm: Randolph, Monito and Osage counties are all reporting one COVID-19 death per county as they all update new information for their counties.

The Osage County Health Department is reporting a new death related to the novel coronavirus.

Osage County COVID-19 cases have nearly quadrupled in the past month, according to county officials.

Last week, Osage County is leading the state in the number of cases per population, department head Kim Sullivan wrote on Facebook.

The county is reporting a total of 517 cases, 90 active cases and 425 recovery.

The department is reporting that they have appointed new staff and they are working tirelessly to get all the cases.

The department states that tomorrow, contact tracers from the Department of Health and Senior Services will assist the Osage County Department of Health in our investigation as the current staff is too large to manage in a timely manner.

Most recent cases in the county in the past month have transmitted the virus as a result of large events or gatherings where social distance was not practiced and masks were not worn. From one gathering, in particular, 25% of the reported contacts turned out to be positive.

In Randolph County, the Department of Health is also reporting one death, the eighth death related to coronavirus.

Image may contain: Text K 'Covid-19 Update October 26, 2020 Cases reported by jurisdiction Total volume Randolph County Active cases: 185 potential cases 55 currently hospitalized 13 discharged with solution: 480 total deaths: 08 total : For complete statewide data visit 73 Map73 Mapbox 26 27 OSM 27 26,659: http / tth Stop Public Health Pretty Missouri Promote Data: Visit our website Health Department

According to the dashboard update, there are 11 less active cases in the county bringing the total down to 185.

The county update currently has 13 active cases in the hospital, 22 new cases involving the Moberly Correctional Center and 15 new cases involving outbreaks in other gathering facilities within the county.

There are as many new cases as there are new total cases.

Rec Rec recovery is found to be increasing to 480.

The Monitou County Health Center reports the tenth death of a Monitou County resident due to Covid-19.

The resident was in his 60s.

Miller County reports the death of COVID-19; Hours changing Montgomery County Health Department due to case escalation

Update 3: PM: 45: The Miller County Health Center contained 19 deaths related to COVID-19.

One death attributed to COVID-19 includes individuals identified as a positive COVID-19 case who died as a result of the illness or from a death certificate where COVID-19 was listed as an underlying or contributing cause of death.

According to their dashboard, the county is filing 48 new cases. That brings the total number of cases in the county to 950.

The county has been registering active cases since Friday, at 148, an increase of 15 percent.

Dashboard is reporting retrieval of 25 new ies. County 783 has been reporting recovery since March.

In Montgomery County, there has been an increase in cases where the county’s health department is pushing for hours to change starting Thursday.

The county has not reported new numbers since Friday. But they Oct Oct. Updated 21 and October 23. The difference between last Wednesday and Friday is 29.

The hours of our health department will be Monday to Friday 8: 30-2: 00. This will give staff the opportunity to investigate the case and do other work necessary to continue providing services to Montgomery County residents.

Officials say that once the case starts declining, they will adjust the office fee time accordingly.

The Jefferson City School District will be closed during Thanksgiving week

Update 2:45 p.m. The Jefferson City School District will close all of its buildings on Thanksgiving weekend.

Jesse announced the change in a letter to parents Monday from school superintendent Tim Linthkum.

Schools were already preparing to be out on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays that week. The district will now be out on Mondays and Tuesdays that week, Linthakam wrote.

“Every building in the district will be closed for the week so that all of our staff members have the opportunity to return to school, internally, to rejuvenate to continue the semester before the break.”

Thanksgiving is November 26th.

The district has faced some challenges in the last two months since its buildings opened during the COVID-19 epidemic. Jefferson City middle school students returned to class on Monday after being out for two weeks due to the number of staff in the quarantine.

Since the inception of the school, 112 students and 77 staff in the district have been infected with coronavirus. The other 260 students and 39 staff members are considered close contacts of those who tested positive.

The Missouri COVID-19 positivity rate is at a new high

Update 9:27 AM: Missouri’s Covid-19 positivity rate reached a new high on Monday, according to state health department data.

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services coronavirus dashboard said the statewide positive rate is 22.7%.

As of October 14, the rate is higher than 20%, according to the department’s calculations.

New data posted on the state dashboard said 1,527 cases have been reported in Missouri since Sunday. The health department said there were five virus-related deaths in the state on Monday, rising to 2,810 from 2,805 a day earlier.

According to the dashboard, with 11,095 cases reported, Missouri ranked 11th in the country for new Covid-19 cases last week. It ranked seventh in the state for coronavirus death with cor over during the same period.

Data admitted to the Department of Health hospital said 1,399 were in Missouri hospitals due to COVD-19.

Cole County RV 7-12 grade moving line moving

Cole County RV is moving many grade levels online online by Monday, according to a post on the district’s website.

District officials said grades 7-12 will remain virtual until Nov. 9.

The website said there will be an individual class of primary school students and teachers on Monday.

According to the website, decisions regarding high school sports will be made at a later date.

School leaders said there will be hot meals for students in virtual learning. Meals need to be requested at 8:30 a.m. with the shop at 10:30 a.m. behind the elementary school cafeteria.

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