Minnesota reports 17 more COVID-19 deaths, highest daily cause of death since June

Minnesota health officials reported 567 new COVID-19 cases and 17 more deaths Wednesday, marking the highest daily death toll in the last two months.

There were 34,879 tests recorded in the most recent 24-hour period, but the Minnesota Department of Health confirmed that it included more than 25,000 tests dating to April that were added. MDH confirmed that the 17 reported deaths Wednesday are not related to the data collection – they are real-time for the past 24 hours.

The state has now seen 66,618 deaths from COVID-19 and 1,738 dead. About 90 percent of Minnesota’s COVID-19 cases require no more isolation.

Eight of the 17 COVID-19 dead Wednesday were residents of long-term care facilities. To date, approximately 75 percent of COVID-19 deaths in Minnesota have been patients living in long-term care as assisted living facilities.

Health Commissioner Jan Malcolm reported Monday the state’s 7-day average test positivity rate was 4.9 percent – down from last week when it was 5.2 percent. The World Health Organization recommends that positivity rates stay at 5 percent or lower for at least 14 days.

More than one million Minnesotans have now been tested for COVID-19.

There are currently 152 COVID-19 patients in the ICU and 321 COVID-19 patients who are hospitalized but not in the ICU. About 9 percent of COVID-19 cases in Minnesota require hospitalization.

All 87 County counties have now seen at least two cases of COVID-19.

LIVE CARD: A province-by-province distribution of Minnesota’s COVID-19 cases

The age group 20-29 accounts for the largest percentage of COVID-19 cases in Minnesota with about 23 percent of cases. The age group 30-39 has the second most number of cases with about 18 percent of cases. The 0-19 age group is one of the fastest growing business groups, with about 15 percent of cases.


Gov. Tim Walz announced July 30 school districts will be able to rebuild this fall in-person, with distance learning as a hybrid of the two based on COVID-19 data in the counties of each school district statewide. Each school district will announce its own plan before classes begin this fall.

Distance learning, personal or hybrid: List of what school districts Twin Cities are planning for fall

The new plan also gives every Minnesota family the option to teach their children at a distance if they are not comfortable or able to send their children back to school this fall. In general, the plan prioritizes keeping younger children in the classroom because transference is much less likely for them and learning individuals is more important for their development.


As of July 25, Minnesotans are required to wear face masks in all public spaces and businesses, except when they are alone.

The order requires people to wear a face mask or face mask in all public indoor spaces and businesses inside, including when waiting outside to enter the space. Workers must wear outside masks if social distance cannot be maintained.

People do not have to wear a mask at home, in a private car, in a hotel or motel room or other short or long term accommodation. Masks are also not required to be worn outdoors or when participating in outdoor recreation.

A full list of where to wear a mask in Minnesota and not have to wear it can be found here.

Stay safe MN: PHASE 3

Minnesota has transitioned into its next phase of reopening, releasing more coronavirus-related restrictions. The third phase of Govt. Tim Walz’s Stay Safe MN plan allows restaurants to reopen at 50 percent capacity, as well as reopening gyms, swimming pools and entertainment venues in limited capacity.


For questions regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, call 651-297-1304 or 1-800-657-3504 Monday-Friday: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The hotline for health questions is also open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. The number to call is 651-201-3920 or 1-800-657-3903.

The state has also launched a helpline for people to report incidents of bias or discrimination resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic to the Minnesota Department of Human Rights. The number to call is 1-833-454-0148. Translation and interpretation services are available.

WHAT TO DO If you are sick

MDH says that if you have symptoms of a respiratory illness (such as fever, cough, muscle aches, sore throat and headache), you should stay home for at least seven days and at least three days without fever (without fever-reducing medication).

If you have symptoms and can manage those symptoms at home, MDH said you should not seek or test for health care for COVID-19. Just stay home when you are sick. If your symptoms get worse, call ahead as soon as possible before going to your health care provider.


The virus that causes COVID-19 is primarily spread by respiratory droplets such as an infected cough or sneeze, similar to how flu spreads. It can also spread if people touch surfaces that have been infected by an infected person and then touch their eyes, nose or mouth.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, patients with confirmed COVID-19 have had mild to severe respiratory illness with symptoms including fever, cough and shortness of breath. Some patients have had other symptoms, including muscle aches, headaches, sore throats or diarrhea.

Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure.

The CDC and MDH recommend that Minnesotans do the following to protect themselves and others and limit the spread of COVID-19:

  • Stay home and away from others when you are sick
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes with your elbow or a tissue
  • Wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water
  • Avoid touching your face all day long
  • Put distance between yourself and other people as COVID-19 spreads in your community. The CDC recommends staying at least 6 feet away.