Miley Cyrus’ Call Her Daddy Bombshells: Liam Hemsworth, Her Sexual Firsts and More

5. Their method of proceeding

During the discussion, Cyrus referred to her breakup from Hemsworth and explained her organized approach to continuing.

“I had a very, very public, very big breakup that was over a span of 10 years of a relationship,” she said. “Sitting with me now, I would hope you find me something like this. That’s not the public perception. I’m very logical. I’m very organized and very kind of centered. And that, I love lists. Lists keep my whole f-king world on course.My world would be ruined if I did not make lists.Every day I have a list with “What do I want? How will I achieve it? What is the next step? ‘And so I tried not to get lost in the emotion with heartbeat. “

She went on, “I don ‘t like that either, ladies, it’s like,’ Well, you’re a cold bitch. ‘ It’s like, no! The world will keep chewing. It’s like death when you lose a love that is deep, like it feels like death … “Person still walks the earth and chooses every day because it is a choice. Death is not a choice and this is a choice.”

As a result, Cyrus developed a task-oriented way of staying focused and acknowledging what the relationship taught her. “To not get lost in emotion, to focus on logic,” said the star, “is to make a list of what you gained and what you lost, what they contributed to your life and what they subtracted and valued each. of these things one to 10 and then they all add up and as the person adds more to your life, then you know what is expected for your next relationship and, what they deduct, you know what you will not accept over and over again. “