Microsoft makes you really angry? No, you will not be stupid

I never thought emotions could affect me in this way.

I thought Goodyear made some great products. However, after an early eruption of authoritative emotions, I can grab a kitchen button and cut my own ties.

And then there are the ululations of fulmination around Microsoft Edge.

My inbox is dripping with tears, spitting and, I’m afraid, a little nerdy drool, as reactions to Microsoft’s brand new browser – or, rather, the way Redmond has chosen to launch it to people – are round.

Since my last column on the subject – with Microsoft’s early-announced announcement that Edge can never, ever be uninstalled – readers have Technically wrong confession (particular branch) and offer more of their feelings.

Feelings. Nothing more than feelings.

Many are, in fact, surprised that Edge is on her foist in a somewhat darker way.

This from a reader: “My wife was shocked to see that Edge was just installing himself without warning.”

And this: “Microsoft is like a doctor with a bad way out of bed. Not very good at making end users receptive to change.”

Change is not always easy. In this case, Microsoft changed a lot of readers’ temperatures. Some were really hot.

“Unfortunately, I do not agree with you that Microsoft Edge is malware,” said one reader.

Technical point: I did not say that Edge was malware. A reader did a few weeks ago, with some ferocity.

“In my opinion,” the non-one-sided reader went on, “it’s actually ‘garbage ware’ !!! Have given it at least three (3) chances for improvement and continue to the same conclusion. What a POS implementation! “

This reader was not alone.

“I had been told by my laptop that it could not open Windows and run disk checks. Scared the hell out of me. After it was done, I logged in, only to be notified that my laptop had Edge installed. It removed Explorer without to ask me and install Edge without my permission. Eff that. Malware indeed, “said another.

Readers also had issues with Edge simply not wanting to leave.

One example: “I installed Edge on my Mac, running Catalina, and I discovered that Edge makes itself load every time I restart my computer. It turns out that they are trying the same nonsense with the Mac version. I will experiment a a little more and then probably delete it. “

The fact that one wants to bother with the removal of what, with I remind you, is a very fine product, is tricky.

“The forced Edge upgrade forced Microsoft OneDrive to install as well,” said one reader. This reader claimed that he did not know that OneDrive was installed and that this led to quite disastrous results for his small business when OneDrive and Office crashed.

That seems a bit extreme. However, it shows how many people rely on Microsoft software, sometimes reluctantly.

Oh, stop that crying. You’re just stupid.

There were, of course, those who thought that all these cries were bilge-based.

As one reader kindly put it: “I’m really looking forward to your article on how scary Apple is for not letting you uninstall Safari from iPhone. And Google for not letting you uninstall Chrome from Android. I’m sure this love will be articles !! “

Technically, I’m told you can remove them. Practically, I would not suggest you try.

ZDNet employee Ed Bott mirrored this critical view. He described those who had a problem with the forced installation of Edge and the announcement of no uninstallation options as “poorly refined souls.”

He said her problems were only “stupid complaints.”

Oh. And.

Nicely think Techworld, that.

Try not to listen to someone who is not in the Tech tent. What the hell do they know?

That’s what we got on Google+.

That’s why so many within Techworld Central could never understand that the phones with the most “features” were not the phones that sold best.

“But look, this can do more things,” the tech insiders said.

“But look, I have no idea how to use this thing and it makes me annoyed,” real people said as they bought iPhones.

Or, as one reader put it, “Techs generally think they know things.” The reader found this to be a dangerous posture because real people are not so sure that the things that techs (think they) know can be translated into useful, comprehensible communication and action.

Can you feel the power?

Knowledge is simply not the same as feeling, like at least some instinctive empathy with your customers.

Why is it, in fact, that Apple users do not seem to complain when Safari appears – albeit discreetly and tastefully – on their gadgets?

Are they socially satisfying? Are they in the throes of a foreign cult? Are they of higher intelligence, and understand the nuances of software development right down to the occasional use of stimulants?

Or could it have something to do with Apple’s software – and the way it’s being introduced – perhaps more user – imaginable? While Microsoft’s software is often secured on innocent people with all the finesse of a jackbooted ballet dancer.

When it comes to browsers, could it be that Internet Explorer and the original Edge were almost as excellent as an intricate shot glass while keeping the rain down?

But could it be that Microsoft took this last action in a cold Techworld way? Surprisingly, the company has made tremendous positive efforts in recent times to make its brand more enjoyable.

In the case of launching the new Edge, instead of understanding its customers and their potential feelings, Microsoft seemed to ignore them.

Maybe, critics will say, Windows is used by so many people that you are one or two who are so spectacularly ignorant that your eyelids fall inward.

The truth, I fear, is that Redmond did much – too much – anger when he could have prevented it.

After all, Microsoft would not have felt the need to write a left-wing support post titled “Cannot Uninstall Microsoft Edge” if it did not see an assembly issue.

I am indeed grateful for my former CNET colleague Sean Hollister – now with The edge – for researching the Google Trend for “Uninstalling Microsoft Edge.” As of May 31, the search volume appears to have increased significantly.

It’s about the market, stupid.

I do not expect every tech insider to understand – or have a feeling for – the irrationalities of human behavior. They are far too busy to systematize human behavior, to maintain control. I’m sorry, I mean to make the world a better place.

I do not expect them to understand why Apple has such a strong positive brand (well, not among gamers at the moment) and, with Windows, Microsoft does not.

Here’s one of Ed’s ZDNet headlines from relatively recent times: “Windows 10: Has Microsoft cleaned up its update nut? (Spoiler: no).”

Here’s another one from not too long ago: “Microsoft’s mystery update arouses anger, suspicion among Windows 10 users.”

If your brand maintains such reviews, the negative feelings remain. They are intervening.

However, one of the more invisible things a business can do is dismiss the discomfort of customers or fool their complaints.

All tech companies have done it on occasion.

Just as Apple eventually – and reluctantly – succumbed to the realization that its Butterfly MacBook keyboard was as effective as Cling Wrap around a cactus, so it may be worth asking Microsoft why it failed to feel so good about it. Edge. Especially when it is, at heart, such a good product.

The company could have launched a countdown. It could have explained to customers that there was a really nice, new browser day. What is reflected in the many complaints from users is that Microsoft has no worries.

If you have a strong positive brand, you will be forgiven more easily if you transgress. If you are Windows, not so much.

And as far as you are concerned, emotionally Technically wrong readers, please continue to express your feelings.

Life would be less comfortable without you.