Microsoft Flight Simulator caused a fairly high skyscraper caused by a single typo

If you fly in Microsoft Flight Simulator around Melbourne, Australia, you might notice a rather peculiar skyscraper 212 floor – ridiculously long and impossibly narrow. No, Australia does not build Kami’s Lookout from Dragon Ball Z. It turns out that a simple typo is responsible for the sly-looking building.

Thanks for the excellent research work by the Twitter community (and Engadget for shouting) the catalyst that would eventually create this strange phenomenon has been identified. About a year ago, someone incorrectly marked a two-story building in OpenStreetMap and suggested it was 212 stories high. Thanks to some unfortunate timing, Asobo Studio developed the same data when they built the big world map in Flight Simulator, resulting in what would be the tallest building ever (if it really was).