Microsoft Flight Sim test subjects all set out on a 16-hour journey

I miss a lot of things about travel, but having hours on end in a small metal tube is not one of them. Not so for Microsoft Flight Simulator streamer Bruce Greene and friends. When pilot uniforms and a very fake 747 cockpit were built, the trio set off on a 16-hour flight from Los Angeles to Dubai – although if my pilot had opened as much alcohol as these guys, I would have already reached for a parachute.

Although MSFS’s Earth can often break into surrealism, it reflects the bare scale of our lone planet. Even a quick hop from London to Edinburgh means 90 minutes of your time off. If you want to make an intercontinental flight, that’s a promise of a full day.

Enter streamers Bruce Greene and 2SoonBoon, who (along with producer ATC Jeremy and a few guests) took on the daunting task of jetting from California to Dubai earlier this week – a journey that simply takes 16 hours of shock. As PC Gamer reports, the idea started as a joke. But after talks with Twitch, the platform agreed to put some money behind the plan, showcasing the crew with a prop cockpit and small bottles of airport air.

“We will definitely drink,” Greene announces at the start of the stream. ‘We are very tired. In fact, we are just like real pilots. ”

With most of the journey taking place thousands of feet above the clouds, the crew find their own ways to cross the stream – to take control and behave in the way that the fear of flying in me before the rest of my life. They manage to run a jumbo jet for almost six hours, but their reckless pilot also cuts off the wings of the plane, forcing a restart. However, they are finally doing it according to schedule to Dubai.

Greene and co’s trip was primarily inspired by Desert Bus, a notorious driving sim that portrays the eight-hour drive from Tucson to Las Vegas in real time. The enduring legacy of that game is Desert Bus For Hope, an annual charity fundraiser that sees a team ride to Nevada and back as long as they can keep raising money. With the whole world under the wings of Flight Sim, it will be interesting to see how long-distance lenders end up on Microsoft’s runway.

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