Michelle Wie West on motherhood, pain and a possible return to golf

Michelle Wie West’s eyes were not sunken with exhaustion, as one might expect from a month-old first-time mother. Her face was not filled with tears, as it was 13 months ago after her injury-ridden body failed her once more, adding a touch of finality to a golf career that had once seemed limitless.

This week, 30-year-old Wie West looked and sounded refreshed during a virtual press conference to announce her appointment as assistant captain for the Solheim Cup 2021. She talked about motherhood and hinted at a possible return to competition and laughed at any mention of her rested appearance. “It’s concealer and brown, both C’s,” he said with a smile.

Over Wie West’s right shoulder hung one of several self-portraits she had painted over the years, this was a black and white woman with her hair pulled back over her head, against a fluffy pastel background. Frameless painting, one of the few that decorates the walls of her San Francisco home, exudes a serenity that was absent in her earlier portraits, such as that of her adolescence of a woman with long black hair, sad eyes, and a mouth. covered. .

Wie West has been in the public eye since 2000, when, at age 10, she became the youngest player to qualify for the U.S. female fan. In the past two decades, she won five LPGA titles, including the 2014 United States Women’s Open, earned a bachelor’s degree in communications from Stanford, and was about to participate in a PGA Tour event. Along the way, it became a kind of Rorschach test for parents who saw their story as a childhood lost in the pursuit of wealth or saved by an emphasis on education; the passion of a child fueled by loving and caring parents or one weakened by their active participation.

Becoming a parent is often seeing your own childhood in sharper relief. Wie West said she has not thought hard about how she will raise her daughter, Makenna Kamalei Yoona West, though she is certain of this: she hopes to give her the siblings that she, the only daughter, grew up longing for, and the fluency in Korean that she is so glad that her South Korean-born parents have insisted.

“I remember that I used to hate my parents for forcing me to go to Korean school on Saturdays,” Wie West said as her daughter made cooing noises as she slept on her lap. “But that is something that I will definitely do, because being able to speak Korean is very important to me.”

Her daughter, who arrived four weeks before her due date, already has a custom made wedge and putter. Wie West’s husband Jonnie, a Golden State Warriors executive, played basketball at college in West Virginia, the alma mater of her father, Jerry.

“My husband is a golf nerd, I am sure he will try putting a golf club on her as soon as possible, just because I really think he wants to play with her one day,” said Wie West. “We’ll see if she grabs a basketball or a golf club. Hopefully we will put it in many sports. “

Wie West’s last competitive round of golf was in June 2019, at the PGA Women’s Championship at Hazeltine, just outside Minneapolis. It was a largely joyless experience. Wie West fired consecutive rounds in the 1980s to miss the cut. After her 12-for-84 start, she was heartbroken about her future as a player.

His surgically repaired right hand was not improving, he said then, and there had been so many injuries before that, his neck, back, hip, knee and ankle had lost faith in his body’s ability to function.

“I was very depressed,” she said. “I felt like my body was disappointing me. I was in a lot of pain. “

She married West two months later. The happiness she felt in her personal life countered the sadness she felt for her stagnant golf career. With his playing path obstructed by injuries, Wie West started down another path, signing to work on camera with Golf Channel and CBS, even as part of his Masters coverage.

And then he found out that she was pregnant.

“I was so scared, so worried,” said Wie West. “I didn’t have confidence that my body could carry a baby to term.”

When Makenna grew inside her, Wie West marveled at her body’s capabilities. “Going from thinking: ‘My body is completely made, it cannot do anything’ to ‘I created a complete human from scratch’, completely changed my relationship with my body. Now I have much more confidence in it. “

After giving birth to a healthy baby during a pandemic, Wie West can be forgiven for thinking that her body is now capable of anything, including returning to the LPGA competition.

“I used to think my wrist hurt during a round until I had a delivery,” she joked.

Wie West has resumed practice, taking her daughter to the field with her between meals. A return to competitive golf before the end of the calendar year is not out of the question, he said, but only if the spread of the coronavirus is under control. “It really depends on the state of the world right now because your health comes first,” said Wie West.

The Warriors, who had the worst record in the Western Conference when the regular season was suspended in March, failed to advance to the NBA playoffs in Florida, which Wie West considered a blessing in disguise.

“There was a scenario where if they went to Orlando in the bubble and I was home alone, I was quarantined, my parents couldn’t come, I could have been a single mom for a couple of months alone,” Wie West said, “and that was a terrifying thought. “

In two weeks, the PGA Tour will converge in San Francisco for the PGA Championship. The field will include former champion Justin Thomas, who is credited with helping to unite Wie and West. Both consider him a friend, and each surreptitiously approached him to ask the other for intelligence after their initial meeting.

Despite his pairing role, Thomas shouldn’t count on meeting the baby while he’s in town next month.

“We don’t allow anyone to come,” said Wie West.