Michelle Obama called Trump’s actions “morally wrong” and “racist.”

“But right now, the president and his allies are trying to get out of despair and try to distract the devotees from their failure to breathe by blaming someone other than them.” “They are spreading fears about black and brown Americans, lying about how minorities will destroy the suburbs, resorting to violence and intimidation – and they are all talking about a very peaceful movement for racial unity. “

“So what the president is doing is once again clearly wrong. It’s morally wrong and yes, it’s racist. But that doesn’t mean it won’t work.”

He described the American era as a “difficult” and “confusing” time and warned that it was better to use divisions, fears and “spreading lies” as tools to win as the president sought sympathy as a black woman.

She said, “I want everyone incredible to think about me and everyone like my ancestors like me,” she said, “Millions of people who look and fight and die like me and work as slaves and soldiers and laborers in building this country.” To help ”

“Racism, fear, division, these are powerful weapons,” Obama warned. And they can destroy this nation if we do not move forward with them. ”

The former first lady specifically addressed the black and brown people in her message: “To all the young people there, to all the black and brown devotees, to anyone who feels frustrated and defeated by this whole system, I can get it. I really do.”

Obama urged voters, “Search your heart and conscience and only then vote for J Biden, as it depends on him.”

A person familiar with the video told CNN that Obama “tapped” his message a few weeks ago.

A person close to Obama said the voting process was already underway in most states and the registration deadline was looming every day. Fits the Trump era. It aims to target a diverse audience, including white suburban mothers (Republicans and Democrats alike) and young voters of color.

A person close to Obama told CNN, “She’s explaining what high-meaning means – above all, voting now.” While Obama frequently talks about his distaste for politics, aides noted how personal this is, especially how Trump has attacked his family over the years.

Obama’s message is reminiscent of his address at the Democratic National Convention, where he appealed to the conscience of Americans and warned, “If you think things can’t get worse, trust me, and if we If we don’t change the election, they will. ”

In the new video, Obama slammed the president for his “failure” to take the epidemic seriously. Capitalizing on the audio duo recorded in Trump’s conversation with journalist Bob Woodward, the former first lady asked Americans to “look around the world” and compare the response to the United States epidemic in other countries.

“They kept the same kind of resources that included it,” she said. “But what they didn’t have to claim was this president.”

Obama said the president is a man who “knew how deadly the virus was, but who lied to us, and said it would just disappear” and “doubled down on division and resentment” and Trump’s public safety guide And recommended spreading. Events without the need for masks or social distance.

“And in the face of all these inefficiencies, Americans are digging, finding new sources of power, doing whatever it takes,” Obama said.

Obama urged Americans to plan to vote because she raised her voice for Biden on personal terms, arguing that every eligible voter must be engaged if the nation wants to regain “any kind of stability.” Former First Lady President Donald Trump did not shy away from her criticism, citing her “inability” to respond to her epidemic and fear and racism to divide the country.

The former first lady made a case for Biden as someone who stands out from the crowd and has lived a life guided by “values ​​and principles that most Americans can recognize.” He argued that he is the right leader to control epidemics and provide affordable health care and address racial injustice and climate crisis. Obama directly clarified that the fate of the Supreme Court is stuck in balance and said Biden would name the judges “who follow in the footsteps of Ruth Bader Ginsberg.”

Obama directly appealed to women and portrayed her experience as a mother, saying the president’s leadership was not creating a safe environment for families and children.

“Everyone is safe to get their children back to school as soon as possible,” he said. “But as a mom, it’s horrible, thinking about all these young people – who were just our kids yesterday – living alone in bedrooms or apartments because the disease was less prevalent, as the disease spreads, their symptoms of not being able to come home more It’s worse. Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl. “
