Michael Cohen offers a glimpse of the upcoming Trump book

“I know where the skeletons are buried because I was the one who buried them,” Cohen wrote in the preface, which was published Thursday on a website for his tell-all book “Disloyal: A Memoir. The true story of the former personal lawyer with President Donald J. Trump. “

“Somehow I knew him better than even his family did, because I witnessed the real man, in strip clubs, shy business meetings, and in the unguarded moments when he revealed who he was. really was: a cheat, a liar, a fraud, a bully, a racist, a predator, a con man, “Cohen wrote in the 3,700-word release.

“Michael Cohen’s book is fiction. He readily acknowledges that they routinely lie, but expects people to believe him now so he can make money from book sales. It is unfortunate that the media is exploiting this sad and desperate man to run for President Trump. to fall, “White House Secretary of State Brian Morgenstern said.

The White House did not address any specific claims made by Cohen in the preface to the book.

The website and the foreword begin the publicity campaign for Cohen’s upcoming exhibition in the decade he spent as Trump’s fixer. Cohen has said he plans to release the book in September so that it could be available for the presidential election.

Cohen has not announced who will publish the book. On his website, he sells signed copies for $ 40 and unsigned hardcovers for $ 32.50.

Cohen pleaded guilty in 2018 to multiple crimes, including lying to Congress. He was released on jail time at home last month after pleading guilty to the Department of Justice alleging that he was remanded in custody for compensation for the book. A judge agreed and prosecutors denied her request to restrict Cohen’s communication with the media.

Now Cohen is launching his publicity campaign. It began Thursday when Cohen tweeted “coming soon” along with a copy of the book cover, which depicts a photo of him, dressed in a suit that is placed over the beams of a prison cell.

In the preface, Cohen writes that he received threats, considered suicide and had a panic attack on the day of his public testimony, in what would be the first public airing of his years working for Trump after his guilty plea.

Cohen wrote that he was a “demented follower” who acted as Trump’s bully, fixer and designated thug.

“I have rigged contractors on his behalf, ripped off his business partners, lied to his wife Melania to hide his sexual infidelity, and bullied and wrote at anyone who threatened Trump’s path to power,” Cohen wrote.

“Our cell phones had the same address books, our contacts so intertwined, overlapping and intimate that it was part of my job to deal with the endless questions and requests, no matter how big or small, of Trump’s innumerable rich and famous acquaintances,” he wrote. hy.

Cohen also handled the investigation by former special adviser Robert Mueller into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election and his role on the Trump Tower Moscow project.

When Cohen pleaded guilty, he admitted he was lying when he told Congress that discussions on the project ended before Trump’s campaign began in earnest – in fact, he said, they went well in the 2016 campaign – and about his communication with members of the Trump family.

“Trump had cooperated with the Russians, but not in the subtle ways proposed by his detractors. I also knew that the Mueller investigation was not a witch hunt. Trump had cheated in the election, with Russian connection, as you will discover in this pages, because doing everything – and I mean everything – to ‘win’ has always been his business model and way of life, ‘Cohen wrote.

Cohen gives no details on how Trump allegedly cheated.

He claims that Trump “tried to insinuate himself into the world of President Vladimir Putin and his coterie of corrupt billionaire oligarchs. I know this because I personally ran this deal and kept Trump and his children informed of all updates, even if the candidate blatantly sang against the American people who said, ‘there is no Russian conspiracy, I have no dealings with Russia … there is no Russia.’ “

In a court submission, Cohen also said the book “will provide graphic and unflattering details about the president’s behavior behind closed doors” including Trump’s alleged anti-Semitic remarks and virulently racist remarks against such Black leaders as President Barack Obama and Nelson Mandela, not one of whom he regarded as true leaders or as worthy of respect by their race. “He said the book will be based on personal anecdotes and” documentary evidence. “

Trump’s lawyers sent Cohen a cease-and-desist letter earlier this year to block the book’s publication. Cohen’s lawyer, Danya Perry, told CNN’s ‘New Day’ last month that letter said Cohen had signed a non-disclosure agreement, but the lawyer had no recollection of having signed one.

Perry said at the time that she would not be surprised if there was no other legal attempt to block the publication of the book.

“Sure, there’s a pattern there, but I expect, just like with some of the previous statements we’ve seen, that attempts will not be successful and this book will be published before the election,” she said.

Last week, Cohen informed the judge overseeing his release that an unnamed commission for political action had offered him work to provide consulting services and media appearances. Cohen could not start employment without the approval of the Bureau of Prisons, under the terms of his incarceration.
