Melania Trump Tapes: First Lady Targets Critics, Migrant Children

WASHINGTON – First Lady Melania Trump took a proud stance on Christmas decorations at the White House and mocked the plight of migrant children separated from their parents at the border in 2018, secretly tapped by a former aide. stop it.

Mrs Trump mourned former assistant Stephanie Winston Volkoff in a recording that first aired on CNN on Thursday, who has just published a say-book. At night. Mrs. Trump continued, “You know, who cares about Christmas stuff and decorations?”

Later in a conversation in July 2018, the first lady complained about the criticism leveled at President Trump and his administration over the summer for separating families in a crackdown on illegal immigration.

“I say I’m working on a Christmas plan, and they say, ‘Oh, what about the kids?’ That they were separated. She used another obscenity to exaggerate, asking Winston Volkoff, “What were they saying when Obama did that?”

The Trump Dio recording puts the frustrations of the first lady in a full women’s show just weeks before Mr. Trump faces voters in a bid for a second term.

In a statement, the state’s Grisham accused Mrs. Winston Volkoff, the head of the Women’s Chief, of trying to make a profit by releasing recordings despite trying to increase sales of the book “Melania and Me”.

“Her sole purpose was to secretly tap the first lady to pedal herself and her sulus book,” Ms. Grisham said. “There is no way to know if these recordings have been edited, and it is clear that the clips were handpicked and released without reference. The first lady is focused on serving her family and our country. ”

As First Lady, Mrs. Trump has been somewhat comfortable, hosting a few formal dinner parties or parties at the White House and keeping a mostly low profile. Critics have ridiculed his “Be Best” program, aimed at encouraging children to model good behavior, saying the president would rarely follow that credit.

Mrs. Winston Volkov’s book was published this year after a fall between the two women. It turned out that Mrs Winston Volkoff had left the White House in early 2018 to receive પે 26 million to help pay for her inauguration.

The recordings appear to portray Mrs. Trump as irritated that she has not received the positive news coverage she believes she deserves, in part because people say she has not talked enough about her husband’s actions as president.

“They say I’m complicated. I am just like her. I support it. I’m not saying enough. I tell Mrs. Winston Volkoff in a conversation as if she were talking to a close friend.

The conversation came just weeks after Mrs. Trump, who was born in Slovenia and became a citizen of the United States in 2006, while traveling to a children’s immigrant shelter in Texas on the Mexican border and wearing a jacket in which she read. White capital letters, “I don’t really care. U u? ”

At the time, a spokeswoman for the president and first lady said the message on the jacket was aimed at reporters, not at the children they were visiting.

Asked by Mrs. Winston Volkoff why she was wearing a jacket, Ms. Trump said she did it to annoy her husband’s critics.

“I’m driving generously crazy, that’s for sure,” he said. “And he, you know, is – and he deserves it, you know. And like everyone else, ‘Oh, my God. This is the worst. This is the worst. ‘Then, I mean, let’s go. They’re crazy, right? ”

In the recordings, she complains that the news media is unwilling to write a positive article about her visit and her efforts to help children reconnect with their parents. She says she doesn’t understand the limits of what they can do because they need to “go through the process and the law” to reconnect.

He says about the news media: “They will not tell a story. We put it out. They won’t tell the story. You will not believe. They won’t story because they don’t – they won’t story because they are against us because they are liberal media. Yes, if I go to Fox, they will tell a story. I don’t want to go to Fox. ”

The recordings also suggest that the president’s views on immigration – and in particular his support for the idea of ​​segregating children at the border to prevent illegal crossings – influenced the way she viewed the issue.

In part of the conversation, according to CNN, Mrs. Trump questioned whether mothers and children who claim to be subject to violence in their home countries are actually lying to Border Patrol officials.

“Many, like mothers and children, are taught how to do it,” Mrs. Trump said. “They go ahead and they say, ‘Oh, we’re going to be killed by a gang member, we know, it’s very dangerous.’ So they are allowed to stay here. ”

Families, most of whom come from Central America, may choose to live in Mexico, he said.

“They’re taught by others what to say to come forward, and you know, let them stay here.” “Because they could easily have lived in Mexico, but they don’t want to live in Mexico because Mexico doesn’t take care of them like America.”