Meghan Markle News: The Duchess of Sussex’s book claims royal tantrums | Real | News

The book ‘Finding Freedom: Harry and Meghan and the Making of a Modern Royal Family’ will be published next month. It was written by Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand, two royal experts who reportedly spoke to close friends of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

According to the book, a royal courtier told a newspaper editor that he could “handle anything after enduring one of Meghan’s tantrums.”

While ‘Finding Freedom’ has yet to be released, the Sunday Times has serialized excerpts.

The book claims that relations between William and Harry deteriorated after William raised questions about the speed of development of his younger brother’s relationship with Meghan Markle.

Mr. Scobie and Mrs. Durand report that a source said: “A happy and content Harry is rare, so seeing him practically jumping was a delight.

“But at the same time, William has always felt that he must care for Harry, not as a future monarch but as an older brother.

“Throughout his adult life, he felt like he should watch Harry and make sure he wasn’t in trouble and on the right track.”

Harry and Meghan met on a blind date in July 2016 and became a couple soon after.

According to the book early in their relationship, William wanted to make sure Meghan had “the right intentions.”

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According to the book, William said, “Don’t feel like you need to rush this.

“Take all the time you need to get to know this girl.”

However, Mr. Scobie and Mrs. Durand believe that this question offended Harry.

They wrote: “In those last two words, ‘this girl’, Harry heard the snobbish tone that was anathema in his approach to the world.

“During his 10-year career in the military, outside the real bubble, he learned not to make harsh judgments about people based on their accent, education, ethnicity, class, or profession.

Also, to remove Meghan from the equation, Harry was tired of the dynamic that had been established between him and his older brother.

“There had come a point when Harry no longer felt he needed to be taken care of.”

Speaking to the authors, a source said Harry was “angry that his brother would ask him something like that.”

Meghan and Harry are currently in Los Angeles, where they moved just before the coronavirus blockade began.

William is at Anmer Hall with his family from where he has continued to perform royal duties, initially at Zoom but now again in person.