MCU star Chris Evans comments on Post-Marvel Life: ‘I miss him already’

Chris Evans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe recently signed on as Captain America. Ending his multi-movie career as the superhero in the box office hit of 2019 Avengers: Endgamme, The MCU star is now focused on other production roles and projects.

In a recent interview, Evans talked about how he developed the iconic character and is now focusing on life after Steve Rogers.

'Avengers' star Chris Evans attends the world premiere of Walt Disney Studios movies 'Avengers: Endgame'
‘Avengers’ star Chris Evans | Axelle / Bauer-Griffin / FilmMagic

Chris Evans says goodbye to Cap … or does he?

While Evans had a few film credits to his name before joining the Marvel franchise, including Cellular and Fantastic fourTaking on the role of Captain America launched him into mega celebrity status. Although it has been established that he has played the character for the last time, Evans appears to be holding the door ajar.

“You never say never. I love the character I don’t know, “he said Avengers co-star Scarlett Johansson at Vanity Fair. “It is not a difficult no, but neither is it an anxious yes. There are other things I’m working on now. I think Cap had a very difficult act of stopping the landing, and I think they did a good job of allowing him to complete his journey. “

The MCU star insists that if he considered resuming the character, the story would have a lot to offer.

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“If you’re going to visit it again, it can’t be a cash shot. It can’t be just because the public wants to be excited, “said Evans. “What are we revealing? What are we adding to the story? Many things would have to come together. “

‘Captain America’ stars in becoming an actor

When he began his career and had to endure the rigors of auditions, Evans admitted that he had to prepare to try out a part.

“Ninety-five percent of the work is rejection”, Avengers Star recently told Backstage. “Those first 10 years, you have to put on gloves for every job and you have to get in the ring. When all you hear in your head is that high-pitched buzz and your palms are sweating and you feel like you can’t catch your breath, that’s the opposite of trying to fall in a moment. “

Over the years, Evans learned to polish his trade. “You get a script. You read the first scene and choose as if you were going to do the next scene, ”explained the MCU actor. Try to trace it. Then, immediately afterward, watch the scene.

the Not another teen movie Star also has a habit of evaluating the performances of other actors. “There is nothing more revealing you can do as an actor than looking at the way an actor you respect dissects a scene and makes his decisions,” Evans said. “To stretch your acting muscle, compare your choices with the choices of other actors.

Moving on from Marvel

When Evans assumed the role of Captain America in his career, he knew there would be expectations.

“The public is part of what it will do [these films] work, and I owe that group my understanding of what they see, “he told Backstage.” At some point, you have to say, ‘OK, I have to approach this as I would do anything else,’ and connect to it at the level personal without worrying every day about how it will be perceived. ”

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Regarding startups, the actor recently appeared in the box office hit Knives out. He also assumed double duty as executive producer and star of the Apple TV + series. Defending Jacob, Evans continues to savor new challenges.

“I loved my time with Marvel; I miss him already, ”he admitted. “But there is no denying that it is very exciting to have complete freedom to pursue whatever my creative appetite wants.”