McMaster warns Biden over Iran deal: Don’t revive those who mask political disaster as diplomatic victory

National Security Adviser General HR McMaster told a “special report” on Wednesday that President-elect Joe Biden should not rejoin the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

McMaster told host Brett Byrne that the deal struck by then-Secretary of State John Kerry with the Tehran regime failed to address the Iranian government’s “hostile ideology” and that Iran was fighting proxy wars against the United States for 40 years.

“Iran was paid a lot when the deal was signed, as well as relief from approvals … what did they do with that money?” McMaster asked rhetorically. “They used the money to escalate sectarian violence in the region in an effort to place proxy forces on the Israeli border.”

“Turning the clock back to 2016 and reviving the nuclear deal would be a really big mistake,” McMaster stressed. “The Iran nuclear deal was a political disaster as a diplomatic victory.”

McMaster said the presidential transition period is a dangerous time for national defense.

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In his view, the transition is very important for smooth running, both to signal to the world that the American Constitutional Republic is a functioning system and that the U.S. To show “malicious artists” who don’t show “weakness and division”.

“Any time of transition is a dangerous time.” McMaster said, “Our enemies, adversaries, rivals think it’s time to take action against us. So I think it’s important for us to show a high degree of competence and degree of instability and the belief that our democracy works and our institutions are strong.” Showing is really important.

“And I think if we show weakness and division, there are a lot of deadly artists who want to take advantage of it.”